Friday, December 28, 2012

Wait A Minute...

Hold on, Elekid's drying to tell me something...

I think...I think he's fought that Larvitar before.  He's been here before?

You see, Arturo? Shieldon's acting weird, too.  I think a bunch of our Pokemon were here--

Wait, what? No.  The mountains are in the absolute opposite direction of the town of Herne.  What the hell would they be doing up here, and why did they separate from the other Pokemon? Half of them returned at night and half of them returned in the morning...

...from Pelipper Rock!?!?!?

Wait...hold on...

So--my head hurts so much--let me try to understand this:

Our Pokemon found each other in the forest, and I know this because Pidgey indicated that knew where Elekid was when I asked him.  That means our Pokemon split up at some point, but into groups of too great a number to attribute the separation to an accident.  They split up intentionally, but half of them went west to the town and the other half went east up to the mountains...but why? Maybe to find where the town was? But...if that were the case, why would they have come from Pelipper Rock? They would have had to have found the town along the coast, decided not to go back, jumped into the bay, and swam to the island...but that makes no sense as to why they did that--and it's impossible! It would have taken them too long! They only took a day to get back to us, and if they travelled from Herne to the forest thanks to the tsunami, then up the mountain, back past Herne, and over to that island, we'd all still be without our Pokemon.

Unless...they managed to travel from the top of the mountain to Pelipper Rock on something that could fly.  They flew from Pelipper Rock to Herne on Pelipper, so it's not that far of a stretch...but why would they go through all this trouble?

Nothing makes any friggin' sense...

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