Saturday, December 1, 2012

Don't Instigate The Monkeys

(POV: Elekid) we go to the mountains.  Hopefully, we'll be able to encounter one of these shiny Pokemon the Shuckle was talking about.  Hey, what about this guy?

He's certainly shiny, but he doesn't have a lot of eyes, nor is he large.  Hey...we're doing something kind of convoluted here, but it's probably better if you just joined us as opposed to heading off on your own...Pawniard? Pawniard, yep.  Okay, that's your name.  Super.

No, we're not trying to fight everything in the woods, so please stop loudly sharpening your...hands.

And, he's doing it louder.  Is anyone else really glad we found Pawniard--?

Hey, what's that?

Ooh...something shiny and round.  I have no idea what it is, but it has a little hole in it.  Hey, does anybody know what this is? No? Well, I'm gonna keep it and show it to Tom when I see him next.  I think he'll be very happy to have it--

What was that? I thought I heard something--

Pawniard, something threw a stick at you? From where?

Great, thanks! Hey, you up there! Stop throwing sticks at us! Everyone, just ignore them and they'll leave us alone--

Pawniard, no! We are in no condition to fight them! Don't instigate them!

This doesn't bode well...two of these things now want to seriously fuck us up.  Thanks, Pawniard.  Is anyone else really happy we found Pawniard?

Okay...just take your time and find your opening.  Keep leering at them.  These guys are a lot stronger than me, so I have to--


...great.  Alright! Electrical shocks and angry faces! Electrical shocks and angry faces! This plan better work; we do outnumber them--

Alright! One fell into a fissure cause by Shieldon.  Good move...but dude? You might wanna chill look like you're gonna explode--


Woah, what was that--?

Dratini? Did you just...

You wrapped yourself around the monkey's neck? Dude, you could have killed him like that--

OH MY GOD THE SNAPPING SOUND! Did you...did you just kill it?

Chansey, did he just--?


I think I'm in way over my head here.  Shit was relatively safe in the Power Plant until Zapdos came, but out here?

The horror...the horror...

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