Friday, December 28, 2012

Once More Into the Deep

Wow, it is dark and scary in here.  I recommend that we all stay together.  We don't want to get lost.  Say, Hitch, how do these escape ropes work? Do we tie them to a tree outside and keep the rope near us so that if we need to escape quickly, we can just follow the rope?

...excuse me?

The rope...teleports us outside? It's a rope.

I understand so little about the world today...

Hey, be careful with that pickaxe, Arturo.  You don't want to cause too much of a commotion.  What is that you're digging up, anyway?

A leaf stone? I've heard of that! That's worth something! You keep digging, I'm gonna keep an eye out for Pokemon--

Hey buddy, where are you going?!

Say, what is that?

That's a pretty deep crack.  I hear...fluttering down there.  Bats?


Ewwgh! That...that thing doesn't look appealing at all.  Hey guys, there's a flying phallus Pokemon in a deep crack over--

Wow, I should have thought about that before I said it, but there's a Pokemon in that ditch? Anybody want it? Because I don't need it.

Really? No one? Why does nobody want any of the Pokemon I find?

Hey, that's a nice slab, Arturo--

Seriously, what's wrong with the Pokemon I point out? Are they not good? What about that one over there?

It looks powerful, but injured.  Should be easy to--

Man, that thing does not look happy.  I wonder why--

Woah, Elekid doesn't look too happy either--

Hey! Where do you think you're going? And what is that candle doing?

I don't feel safe anymore for some reason.


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