Friday, December 14, 2012

How Do You Work This Damned Thing?

Pidgey, woah, wait up fella! I can't keep up with you if you're gonna fly off like that! Besides, it's too dangerous to run out into the wilderness at night; we'll set off in the morning.  Pidgey, return!

Okay, let me just catch my breath and--

Oh...easy now...easy...what is this thing?

Pokedex, identify! Pokedex? Pokedex! How the hell does this thing work?

Oh, it's a Kangaskhan...wait, I've heard of them before!

You got a trainer, girl? You do? Okay, he's probably back in the lab.  Come on, follow me.  Nice and slow...

Oh look, that girl got her Eevee back.  That's nice--

Wait...what's happening to that Eevee? Professor, you might want to take a look at this.  I don't think that Eevee's doing so well...


Well, I'll be.  It evolved! Huh, I don't recognize this evolution.

Pokedex, identify--

On second thought, I think I'll just ask her--


What are these things? They seem happy, but they also look like they're protecting something... this a Pokemon, too? I mean, what even is this?

Nope...not gonna do it.

Hey, Arturo, that one fat Pokemon seems to really take a shine to you.  And it really likes that trail mix-- just caught it?! Just like that? That looks so easy! Wait, where did you get the Poke balls?

Professor Cherry is just handing them out?!?! PROFESSOR!

No, five is just plenty, thank you! Thank you very much!

Hey Pidgey, come out here for a second!

Pidgey...I need you to go over there to one of those...uh--

Munchlax? Thank you, Professor Cherry.

I need you to go over to one of those Munchlax and convince it to come with me.  Can you do that?

I'm sure this will work swimmingly.  After all, if Pidgey flew all the way back here to find me, he must really like me.

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