Saturday, December 1, 2012

So...What The Hell Happened?

Ugh...oh, my back...

What the hell was that? What was going on aboard the S.S. Anne? And who is that guy and why is he yelling?

He looks very official: glasses...Pokedex...lab coat...oh! He must be the Cythos Region local Pokemon professor! My back still hurts, but he's telling us to head into his lab, so okay...he does have a lab coat.

Wow, the tidal wave really wrecked the joint.  Power's out, lab instruments strewn about, Oddishes running around--

You want us to what, Professor? You want us to CATCH them? With our HANDS? Oh boy...

C'mon! Get! Get over here, you little--! Ugh! It's just like when I tried to catch Pidgey--!

Wait a minute...where are my Pokeballs? Where are my Pokeballs?! Oh my God...Oh my God,, no, this can't be happening!

Hey, Professor--!

What's his name? Cherry?

Hey, Professor Cherry! What's going on here? Where are my Pokeballs?

...I suppose they could be anywhere, but can't we make an estimate based on the trajectory of the wave?

Yes, I'll wait.

Then...they're in the pond over there? Alright, we can get that, but I don't know how safe it's gonna be with all those wild Pokemon out there--

Wow.  Okay, I feel safer now that "Maggie" is watching our backs.  Funny, when you said "Maggie", I was thinking you were going to bring out a Magmar.  It kind of looks like a Magmar.  I wonder if they're related.

Alright...let's search this pond...




Hey, it's my Great Ball! I got Elekid back!

And Pidgey, too! Come on out, guys! Let's celebrate!


The balls are registered...but they're empty?

Hey, Professor Cherry! Where are my Pokemon?!

Oh, I guess we're watching TV now.  Well, the news is on, so maybe they have some info.

According to the reporters, the gym leaders and the champions and such aboard the S.S. Anne just started fighting each other...and not just attacking each other's Pokemon, but each other personally as well! Holy hell! It seems as though Wallace, a former champion, jumped off into the water with his Wailord and started buffeting the ship with its water attacks.  He was joined by others including gym leader Misty of Ceru--

Wait a minute! I've heard of Misty from back home! She's involved in this, too?! Oh, boy...

Now all these kids around me are spouting out every ridiculous theory they could come up with.  It's a psychic Pokemon controlling their minds, it's a Team Aqua operation to take out gym leaders, it's this and that and nobody knows what the hell is actually happening.

Yes, you kids go on out into the wild blue yonder and find gym leaders to talk to them or whatever; I'm going to be productive.

Professor Cherry, I know you have a great jury-rigged electrical set-up here, with all of your equipment hooked up to...umm...

...your dog? But listen, I've been a professional electrician for close to thirteen years now.  I can help you bring this lab back up to full power in probably just a couple of hours, depending on the extent of the damage.  Maybe if we create a steady light source coming from here, our Pokemon might be drawn to it.

Yeah, I thought it was a pretty good idea, too.  What?

Why, yes I will take a Pokedex! Thank you! I should probably call the Poke-Mart in Jizo City and tell them to cancel my reservation--

Oh, power, no phones.

I...guess I'll get to work then, Professor.

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