Thursday, November 29, 2012

Never Split The Party

ELEKID:   Pidgey, I want you to go with the Poochyena, the Azurill, and the Kangaskhan to try to find our trainers.  I'm going to go with the others.

PIDGEY:   Fucking excuse me?

ELEKID:   You have a distinct advantage with your flight.  You can see for miles up in the sky and you'll be able to find them if anyone can.

PIDGEY:   I don't want to find that dumb asshole.

ELEKID:   Well, I do.

PIDGEY:   Then you go find him!

ELEKID:   Listen to me! He went through hell and back to try to catch you, and I know you gave him hell the entire time.  But he didn't give up on you and if you found him, he would follow you through every treacherous inch of forest, up and down the mountain, past the berry trees and every fucking Pokemon that would try to kill him just to get you back! You may not care about him, but he cares about me as if I were his own son...and I'm sure he cares as much about you, too.

PIDGEY:   Are you telling me he would be willing to risk his life through all kinds of dangerous terrain and possible Pokemon attacks just to follow me?

ELEKID:   I know he would.

PIDGEY:   ...fuck it.  Okay, I'll go with them.  If anything, it'll be funny to watch him try to keep up.

ELEKID:   Whatever works for you.  Now get going.

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