Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Trust Exercises"

Okay, let's go back to Route 1 and have that conversation with Pidgey.  Pidgey...come on out...


Hey there, Pidgey.  Listen, uh...what happened back there in the grass...and the music pavilion...and the Pokemon Center...I know that's not how you probably thought your capture would go--

I mean...I don't know if you've ever thought about the day you'd be caught...or might be caught...I dunno, lemme start over.

Okay, I'm sure that you probably didn't expect what happened between us to...well...happen.  I just wanted to say that it was against my expectations as well.  I had no intention of dragging you around town half-unconscious and paralyzed, but I really wanted to capt--

Uh...I wanted your...friend? Wow, this is a weird conversation.

Anyway, umm...I guess what this means is that you are...for lack of a better Pokemon.  That means I'll feed you, take care of you, heal you if you get hurt or sick, and train you to be a strong fighter.  I mean, I don't want you to love me or even like me right off the bat.  Hell, I'll have to do a lot just to get you to trust me; however, do you think you can give me a chance? I'm sure we'll get to know each other very well.

It's nice to have you on board, Pidgey...

Uh...I'll assume you understood that.  Come along now, Pidgey.  I'm gonna show you how I battle.  Let's just find some tall grass and...

There we go! Tall grass.  Let's see what sort of interesting new Pokemon this regions has in store for me!

Oh! Oh...


I guess...well it's cute, at least.  In that...sort of dopey-looking way.  Hey, he's climbing up my leg.  Aww, I think he likes me!

(Wait...I'm gonna try a Handle Animal check to see if he actually likes me...20)


I need you to Ice Punch this thing into next week before it bites me in the stomach and tears my intestines out onto the grass!

Woo! Good hit, buddy! Now, before he gets up, use Quick Attack! Woo! Great job, Elekid!

You see that, Pidgey? I am a lot more competent than I came off earlier...

...I can feel the judgment in your eyes, Pidgey, but I also feel that I am earning your respect slowly.

Very, very slowly.

Hey...there's a trainer on that ledge.  A very young trainer...and he's sad? I think I overheard him say something comforting to his Pokemon, something along the lines of "we'll win the next one".

I must help this child! Aww, he kind of reminds me of my son...

Hey kid! Are you interested in battling Pokemon? I know you're feeling a little down, but I'm sure you can pull out a victory if you put your heart in it.

You'll battle? Great! That's the spirit.  Elekid, come on out to fight his...

...umm...his...evil Ponyta? I don't...Elekid! Use Leer!

Oh, that thing used Tail Whip.

Oh, and according to that trainer kid, it's called a Blitzle.

Elekid! Use Quick Attack!

Wow, this thing is fast, but Elekid is just a little faster! The Quick Attacks keep cutting between Blitzle and Elekid is just narrowly coming out on top...but boy, is Elekid suffering.  I think it's time to try to end this swiftly.  Elekid! Use Ice Punch when Blitzle--

Oh, you're unconscious and Blitzle is running past you.  I guess he's really fast.

The kid looks happy though.  That's good! I wanted to boost his spirits, but I don't want to lose face in front of Pidgey--

Pidgey! I still have Pidgey! Pidgey, use Tackle and take out that Blitzle!

Woo! Blitzle fainted! I win--!

Oh...but now the kid looks sad.  He gave me $200.  He had just $100 more than I did? I can't take half of this kid's money...but I'm very poor at the moment.

Hey's $100 of your money back.  We beginner trainers have to look out for each other, don't we?

Good for you, Tom.  Karma's on your side now.  Let's...just heal Elekid and we can head on out back to Route 1.


  1. And hey, at least the kid beat one of your Pokemon! I'm sure he feels better by virtue of that.
