Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Route 1 and the Traumas Therein

There seems to be plenty trainers on Route 1, so I'm just going to avoid too much detection and walk through the tall grass--

Oh! Hey there, little guy! Aren't you a cute little fella! Say, how would you feel if--


It's a good thing Elekid has static skin and could potentially paralyze an opponent if it hits him, because when Pidgey tried to tackle him, it fell to the ground.

Elekid! Quick, Ice Punch!

Alright! We won, Elekid! Now, to throw a Poke Ball and catch--

Oh no.  I don't have any Poke Balls.  I don't know when I'll find another Pidgey, but it's important that I catch one.  It's...it's just that...there isn't a whole lot of things in this new region that reminds me of home, but Pidgey is sort of a constant anywhere you go.  Besides, I remember how much my son used to giggle when he saw Pidgeys land in our backyard.  They remind me of a simpler time...a better time.

I have to catch it...but how? I can't just leave it here; it might fly away or someone else might catch it.

I...I guess I have to bring it with me back into town and hope that I can buy a Poke Ball off a trainer so I can catch Pidgey.

Does no one in Jizo City have an extra Poke Ball?! For a city that's supposed to be full of trainers, I can't find anyone with a Poke Ball.  Anyone? ANYONE?! I'll pay!

Ah! A musician in the town square is willing to sell me one!

...for $400?! That's twice as much as the stores would charge! Ugh...fine.



...break?! But...but it was unconscious and paralyzed! (Serves me right for rolling a 3 of a d20)

Uh oh...


I guess...I guess I have to try to find another Poke Ball, but I really don't have any money to spend on Poke Balls.  Then again, I don't really have a lot of options.  I've already invested a lot of money and effort into this Pidgey and I intend on catching him

I'll wrap him up in my coat and I'll take him over to the Pokemon Center.  There've got to be trainers in there and they've got to have a spare Poke Ball!

Excuse me, does anyone have a Poke Ball that I could buy from them? I have this Pidgey here that I fought down on Route 1 and I--

Oh no...


I just brought a wild and injured Pidgey into a crowded Pokemon Center, and now chaos is breaking loose! All the trainers are trying to catch it, and I'm scrambling to put it back in my coat, when suddenly...

...a pink Poke Ball flies out of nowhere and catches the Pidgey.


Nurse Joy? She caught the Pidgey?! But...what am I supposed to do now?

And then, naturally, she asks me what I was thinking handling a wild Pokemon and bringing it into a crowded Pokemon Center.  I'm a grown man; I knew the risks, but this was important to me.  But now, it was all for nothing.  She caught the Pidgey, so I guess it belongs--

You're...you're just going to give it to me? But...why? I don't know what to...thank you.

I...I really wanted to catch my first wild Pokemon by myself, but apparently, I can't even do that.

I don't know if I'm cut out for this whole Pokemon-training thing.  I mean, I beat the Pidgey in battle, but if I can't catch wild Pokemon, I'll never be a good trainer.

I've come to far to give up now, though.  Besides, I...I really don't have anywhere else to go.

Welcome to the team, Pidgey...Pidgey?

I may need to have a talk with this Pidgey.  I did sort of put it though quite the ordeal.

...but I think I should save that for a little while later.  I want to make sure he's calm and not all attack-everything-in-sight.

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