Friday, November 23, 2012

The Lord of All Whales!

Finally, we made it to Herne City, and just in time, too.  Arturo isn't doing too hot and the S.S. Anne is about to pull in and drop off its celebrity passenger detail.  Everyone is gathered on the beach as the massive cruise ship starts pulling into--

What's going on out there? Why is there--?

Oh, God...

Of the things that could happen, this is amongst the worst.  A massive battle broke out onboard the S.S. Anne.  Trainers are releasing their Pokemon into this massive fray and these people are jumping out into the water on their Pokemon; one of these people has a HUGE Pokemon!

It's like a whale, but much bigger! He's like the lord of all whales...a whale-lord...

These "trainers" on their Water Pokemon start buffeting the burning cruise ship with massive waves from every direction.  The S.S. Anne capsizes and we are all left in shock.

Oh, and this is what's coming towards us right now.

This is going to be interesting to say the least...

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