Friday, November 23, 2012

I Guess Everyone Is Bleeding

Herne is only a few miles southeast of this here cave, so I guess I should--

Hey, I know you! Why are you shouting into that cave?


This is why kids shouldn't go on adventures--

Wait, I know this kid! He's the one that destroyed the boathouse with his...umm...cookie-face! I think he said his name was Arturo?

Apparently, it's a smart idea for young archeology-enthusiasts to just wander blindly into caves where Zubats can eat them.  The poor kid is paralyzed, so Mr. Sunglasses and I need to help him get to the nearest city and find medical attention.  I should probably find out this other kid's name...

...Kevin! His name is Kevin! Good name, Kevin.

Ooh, this looks like a good place to rest.  We can wash our respective wounds, take a load off of our feet, and our Pokemon can get a nice drink of water.  Come on out, guys!

Oh! Arturo let out his...

Okay, he called this a Shieldon, but it's name is...Remington Steele? Interesting name choice.  He also released his..., right? Yeah, I think he said Azurill, but he's calling it Cali, which is short for Calypso.  Oh, and I remember seeing Kevin's "Wrigley" from when we met back by the lake!

...boy, there are a lot of strange Pokemon out there.  This is an...Audino? Am I saying that right? I don't think Elekid or Pidgey are going to get nicknames, just because I have a hard enough time remembering what kind of Pokemon they are, so I'm just going to stick with "Elekid" and "Pidgey".

As it turns out, this Arturo kid is the son of Mr. Stone, the president of the Devon Corporation that helped develop the means by which extinct Pokemon are revived from fossils, which is very interesting.    Apparently, Shieldons are extinct and that's how Arturo got his.  He was saying something about how Old Amber can be used to resurrect Aerodactyls; I'm not exactly sure what an Aerodactyl looks like, but it would certainly be nice to have one--

Oh right, you're still bleeding.  Okay, we'll get a move on.  I'm sure there's a doctor in Herne.

...but if you see any Old Amber on the way, would you kindly point it out to us? Because if we could--

Right! Hospital! Sorry...

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