Monday, November 19, 2012

You Got A Friend In Me

So, what the hell happens to Tom?

Well, he tried to keep his shit together as best he could, but after months of working as a bike-messenger and a stock boy at the local Poke-Mart, depression started setting in.  However, as luck would have it, Tom ended up delivering a package to the Rock Tunnel Pokemon Center and curiosity drove him to check out the Power Plant.

It was a dark night, but there seemed to be an eerie glow coming from the Power Plant that drove Tom in close...close enough to spot a badly injured, almost human-like Pokemon trying to escape some rubble from the old building.  At that point, some of his paternal instincts kicked in and against all better logic, he wraps the Pokemon in his trench coat and rushes him back to the Pokemon Center.  The rain started pouring and the road became treacherous, but Tom managed to get to Pokemon to emergency care.  When the nurse asked for the Pokemon's capture ball in order to put it into the healing apparatus, Tom explained that he didn't have one, since the Pokemon was technically wild.

Well, that certainly caused a fucking stir, because nobody just brings wild Pokemon into a Pokemon Center...but Tom did, probably because he was a wreck of a human being and he missed his son.

After the Pokemon was cured and the nurses attempted to release him back into the wild, it didn't want to leave Tom's side.  At that moment, one of the trainers recommended to Tom that he just catch the wild Pokemon and train it.  Tom offered to buy a Pokeball off of the guy, but he wouldn't take the money; he just handed Tom a Great Ball, gave him a smile, and headed out of the Pokemon Center.

So Tom poked the Pokemon with the Great Ball and just like that, he caught his starter Pokemon...

They were pretty close right off the bat, but no matter where Tom went, little punk-ass kids wanted to battle him.  I mean, he wasn't a trainer, so he was like, "Uh...shouldn't you be in school?" Although, he discovered very quickly two things that would change the course of his life forever...

Firstly, Elekid fought really well.  This little bastard, for some reason, knew Ice Punch and it totally embarrassed every trainer who underestimated him and just threw out some Ground-type Pokemon to fight it.

And earned a fuck-ton of money battling Pokemon.

Then the lights clicked on in his head.  Ha ha, funny electrician joke FUCKING MOVE ON! If he could earn a living by training Pokemon, he could potentially win back the respect of his wife and son. Sadly, he had no idea where his wife ran of to, so he just took Elekid on the road and tried his best to make his Pokemon strong and his wallet fat as hell.

One day, some years later, Tom saw a bulletin for the upcoming Pokemon World Tournament in the Cythos Region.  Note: this is a fictional region.  Wait...what the fuck am I talking about? Everything in this fucking world is fiction.  You can buy a device for $200 that can house another living being indefinitely from any local store, but a bike costs thousands upon thousands of dollars.  So yeah, the DM-created Cythos Region is located just to the west of Orre and was to be the next location for the Pokemon World Tournament.  Tom saw this as a sign that he should get his shit together, raise up the money, and buy a ticket for the S.S. Anne's journey to Cythos.  As he sailed off with his Elekid, filled with purpose, he smiled for the first time in years.

So there you have it! Prologue ended and Tom caught an Elekid! He's still very lonely, though...very, very lonely...

Here's some happy music, Tom.  Cheer the fuck up.

From here on out, all entries will be from Tom's point of view.  Hope you enjoy watching a pathetic, 37 year-old laid-off electrician fight children in Pokemon battles in an attempt to regain the love and respect of his wife who's probably fucking Brock right about now.

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