Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let's Ignore Our Pokemon!

Well, it seems as though this quandary can wait, because people still have Pokemon that they want to catch.  Josh, a.k.a. Pinsir-Nabbing-Asshole, just ran off to chase that Larvitar, but I'm gonna heed Elekid's advice on this one and just ignore that guy.

Arturo, how are you doing?

Another pretty rock, I see.  Well...good for you.

You say your Dratini found that, Kevin? That looks mighty sharp.  You better be careful with that.  Say, maybe Arturo or Hitch can tell you what that is?


...looks like a Salamance tooth? I wonder what a Salamance looks like.  Well, it might be helpful if Dratini holds onto it.  My Gligar can evolve if it holds a special kind of tooth at night, so maybe if it's a dragon's tooth, Dratini can use that to evolve...or whatever it's supposed to--

Hey, I think your Umbreon hears something Jess.

Well...I'm sure it's perfectly fine going into the darkness on its own, I'm just saying--

Holy shit it's been knocked out cold? How? Wha--?

Ah.  I see.  Well, I'm not taking any chances with this one.  Elekid! Pidgey! Hurt it.  Hurt it a lot.

Okay, so Dratini's got it wrapped up? Good, we won't have to worry about that anymore.  Let's see what's in this other area...

It just looks like a rock wall to me.  But you're saying the Pokedex is registering a Pokemon in the wall, Jess? I don't--

Well, would you look at that! Umm, I'm okay with not catching this thing.  Kevin, I'll let you handle--

Woah! Careful, you just knocked down that whole little wall! Who knows what could be behind that--







This, umm...this may have been a mistake.  He jut Low Kicked the shit out of that guy.  Oh, I know!

Slakoth, come on out for support! Also, we get to see you in battle finally! You use Yawn on the one we aren't fighting and keep an eye on Elekid.  I'm sure he wouldn't want to get too violent with you around.  Elekid, try an Ice Punch.  Let's see how--

Wow.  Shit.  Okay, so you froze it and knocked it out.  It's still good.




And you cracked through its rocky hide.  Don't worry, it's still good.

Wait, there's something in the cracks on its hide...

Just the shattered fragments of its frozen-solid heart.  Not to worry, it's still good--






Fucking rea--?



I am so sorry you had to see that.  Return.

Okay...I've just had Elekid murder a Pokemon in cold blood--

And I just giggled at the pun.  Right.  Nope.  I'm going now.  I can't handle this shit right now.  You guys stay put and capture what you want.  I think I've done enough damage here in the mountain for now.  Let's just take this tunnel out and--

...not this tunnel! Not this tunnel! Not this tunnel! Backtrack! Backtrack! Backtrack! Hitch, a little help over here!

Okay, that will work just fine.

Yeah, those things are running for their lives now! Can't be bothered once a big mean Graveler knocks you out of your rocky perches, eh? Good! Fly away, cowards--!




...'re not a Zubat.  You actually look kind of--

Okay! Jesus, Arturo, it's yours! Calm down.  Let me at least send Slakoth out to assist.

Keep on at it with the Yawn attack, Slakoth! It put that Larvitar to sleep real nicely, so it should do the same--



Okay, fatty...guess what time it is.

It's time for...

...a serious ass-whooping.

You know, I don't need to be in this mountain any longer.  Everything here hates us and is trying to kill us, and I'm elbow-to-elbow in competition for the strongest wild Pokemon.  I think it's about time for us to head home, guys.

Hold on tight, because I have no idea how the hell this thing is supposed to work...

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