Thursday, January 17, 2013

Settling All This Shit

My Pokemon are healed, Pinsir has been adjusted to follow my commands, and all I have to do now is settle my debt with the professor and I'm good to--

Oh, hey there, Jess.  What seems to be the problem?

Oh...oh I see.  Yeah...the mines and that Larvitar.  Is your Larvitar that upset?

Yeah...I think Elekid should be the one to handle this.  I mean, I wanted to catch that other Larvitar, not have Elekid kill it, but I don't think Elekid wanted to kill it either.  Maybe I should let him explain.

LARVITAR:   (chest bumps Elekid hard)

ELEKID:   Listen...don't start anything you aren't prepared to finish.

LARVITAR:   I'm not.  You killed my brother.

ELEKID:   Okay, you want to know what went down? Go talk to the trainer in black with the asshole Litwick.  He probably caught the Larvitar we all encountered when we ended up in those mountains the first time.  I don't know if he's a brother of yours or what, but we were separated from our trainers, just trying to get back to them, and that fucking Larvitar tried to kill us.  We tried talking to him, we tried reasoning with him, but he wouldn't hear anything of the I kicked him in the ribs and shattered his armor.  When I saw you and your brother, I fought as hard as I could to protect my trainer because one of your kind didn't understand the concept of peaceful coexistence and tried to kill us.  I fought your brother and he wasn't strong enough to survive it.  I'm sorry he died, but I'm not sorry for fighting him as hard as I could.

LARVITAR:   This isn't over.

ELEKID:   Tom, put me back in the ball.  I'm done talking to him.

Well, I'm not sure how well that helped the situation, but hey, all the best with your Larvitar.  I've got some business to settle with the professor, so don't wait here on my account.  You go handle your Pokemon breeding stuff.

Alright, how much does a Revive go for nowadays?


Okay, so you get a discounted price of $800 because you're a Pokemon professor? Well, that's still much more than I can afford.  However, I've noticed that you're still working on repairing some of your technical equipment.  Perhaps I can work off my debt here by facilitating the process?

Great, let me just get those tools--

JOSH:   Hey Tom...for our rematch, you won't be fighting Litwick.  You'll be fighting me.

What-fucking-ever, guy.  I have no desire to ever see you again, let alone battle you again, and I sure as hell don't feel obligated to--

Just ignore him, Tom.  You have work off $800 worth of debt in a short span of time if you want to get to Chloris.  Better use a montage.


Just screw this in...

Take a quick reading here...

And just...circuit up this doo-dad...

Then plier these together...

And I'm done! The lab is up to 100% functionality.

Debt's clear? Cool.

That went by more quickly than I had thought.  Off to Chloris, I guess, but there's only one way to get there...

The dark-ass, Zubat-infested Earthen Cavern.  This is going to end in the best of ways possible...

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