Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome To Chloris...Show Me Your Papers

Chloris...the supposed land of milk and honey.  Well, let's see about that.

Oh...hey there, stranger.  Yes, I'm hurt.  Stay out of the lake in the Earthen Cavern or this will happen to you, too.  Yeah, I could use some help getting into town, thank you--

Oh, well, I mean if you've got stuff you have to do, that's fine.  Don't worry about it.

Your friend might be able to help? That's great.  Where is he?

...I'd rather lose the damned leg, thank you very much.

He's headed to the Pokemon Center? Great.  I'm heading anywhere but there.

Let's see...gotta find a hospital...

Excuse me, sir, but could you point me to a doctor--?

No, not the Pokemon Center.  My leg is bleeding.  I need a people doctor.  Do I look like a Pokemon to you--?

I am not going to see Nurse Joy! She's a nurse! She's a glorified veterinarian! I want a Doctor Joy that knows how to prescribe antibiotics and keep this thing from going sceptic--!

Look, do you have a doctor here in this town or not?! The more time you waste, the more blood I lose! Answer me!!

You...you don't.  Okay, that's just great.  Where is the nearest people doctor--?

Alright, I'm sorry I yelled at you.  Just calm down.  Breathe.  Take deeps breaths and just tell me--

I'll go to the fucking Pokemon Center.  Thanks.  God, the people in this town--!

Oh...hello there, officer.  Can I help you?

Yeah, I just came from the Earthen Cavern.  I fell in the lake and got attacked by these nasty little fish.  I need a doctor--

Umm...well, I came here mainly for the Pokemon Gym.  I heard there was one in this town--

I'm sorry, but is there some kind of problem?

No, this is my first time in Chloris.  I don't want this to seem rude, but do you ask this of everyone who comes through here...or am I just special?

Theft? No, I've never even seen the Poke-Mart here--

A man in all black robbed the Poke-Mart?! Wait a minute...he didn't have long hair and a Litwick, did he?

No, it's not him? Short black hair? Yea, I saw him head towards the cave, but I don't know what that has to do with me.

His what?! Accomplice?!?! Where did you get that idea--?!

Oh...my...God.  He wouldn't.  There's no way.  He just wouldn't.




He fucking would!

Officer, did you just come from the Pokemon Center? Okay, now...did you get my description from the people at the Poke-Mart or did you get it from someone in the Pokemon Center? A guy close to my height, long brown hair, black trench-coat and sandals? That's what I thought.

Okay Tom...stay calm.  You have Josh right where you want him on this little issue.  Just be careful; we don't want to upset any more police officers, now do we? Nice and slowly now...

Officer, let me explain.  I have numerous witnesses that I might call upon to verify that I was nowhere near the Poke-Mart at the time of the robbery.  Officer, I'm afraid you've been deceived.  I believe that I am being targeted by a member of Team Rocket who has just travelled into this town, the very same man who gave you my description.  I think this may be some ploy to either steal my Pinsir or--

He mentioned the Pinsir now, did he? Well, allow me to clarify some facts.  We were traveling together , along with several others, on our way to the Citadel Mountain mines in order to catch some Pokemon.  On the way there, we encountered a Pinsir which I had battled with my Pidgey.  Josh, the individual in question, threw an Ultra Ball and caught the Pinsir right out from under me.  That's why his name will appear under the original trainer ID.  However, we held a tournament for the Pinsir, which I won fair and square and claimed ownership of the Pokemon.  Witnesses to this arrangement from first encounter with the Pinsir to resolution are Kevin Adams, a fellow Pokemon trainer, Arturo Stone, brother of Steven Stone and son of the President of the Devon Corporation, and Hitch, the guide who not only lead our little expedition, but officiated and refereed the tournament.  I'm sure Professor Cherry of Herne would corroborate my--

You know Hitch? Well, call him up and hear it straight from the horse's mouth!

He corroborated my story, didn't he? No, it's not your fault, officer.  You were just doing your job.

Why, yes I will come with you to the Pokemon Center to confront this individual.

Yes, officer...that's him.  Tell me, what is the punishment in Cythos for filing a false police report?

Taking half of their money as restitution? I'll take it.

Oh...you take a quarter of that for the state? Screw it, I'll still take it.

That's it, Tom...that's how you're gonna beat them.  Keep calm and carry on.  Stay smarter than everyone else and you'll run circles around them.

That's right, Josh.  Sulk away.  Go crawl back into the hole you--

Wow, I'm still losing blood.  NURSE!!!!

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