Monday, January 28, 2013

Not Today...


No, this is not how it's going to end.  I've been through too much, I've come too far to die in a dark cave at the hands of some fish! Elekid, punt this fish off of my leg before it causes any more damage! Pidgey, hang in there! I'm coming! I just have to...lift myself...out of the water...

Gah, this jacket is heavy! When I get out of here, I'm buying a coat that doesn't absorb water!

Just...a little...more...

AHHH! I'm out! Pidgey, Elekid! Return!

We did it...we're safe now...

...but we're not done here just yet.  Pidgey and Elekid...come back out.  Pidgey, I want you to watch this; I think you'll enjoy this.  Elekid, I think you know what to do.

Haha! You're not so tough now that we're out of water, are you?! Elekid, again!

You try to kill me and you think I'm just going to let you off the hook?! Elekid, again!

Do you feel that? The despair? The creeping cold? That's death, calling for you.


Now, Pidgey, bring the bodies on shore.  Pinsir, look: unconscious Pokemon! Throw 'em, girl! Throw 'em against the rock walls!

Good girl! Do me a favor and cut off a ribbon of fabric from my jacket so I can make myself a bandage? Good girl.  Now, everyone return...this I don't want you to see.

Munchlax, come on out here.

Hey Munchlax, look...fried fish.  Help yourself.

MUNCHLAX:   ...thank you.

I...I don't feel good about doing this, but this is the nature of survival in the wild.  Things try to kill each other.  The fish failed.  I succeeded.  It's as simple as that.

Still...this is some fucked up, repugnant shit right here--

No! They tried to eat me! Munchlax ate them! Munchlax doesn't feel bad about this! He's a blissfully happy little dope-ass!

But...I ordered Elekid to kill those fish.  He must feel terrible about that, especially after the whole issue with Jess's Larvitar.

Jesus...the life of a Pokemon trainer is a lot darker than they make it on television.  I just hope Cole hasn't had to go through the shit I've had to trying to be a trainer--

Wait a second...

...there was another path? THERE WAS ANOTHER PATH?!?!?!? Are you telling me I didn't even have to deal with those fish in the first place?!

My hurts...I just...ugh...

There better be a fucking hospital in this town.

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