Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fuck You And Your Fucking Candle

Okay...I need to think really hard about this one.  Elekid won't do hit Litwick if he attacks with Low Kick, and Ice Punch won't do very much damage at all.  We has to rely on Leer to weaken him and Thundershock to knock him out, but if Litwick sinks into the ground, Elekid can't shock her.  The ground doesn't conduct electricity, that's Electrical Engineering 101.  If only there was a way to make the ground conduct electricity.

Well, the tidal wave soaked the ground all around here about a day ago.  I know water itself doesn't conduct electricity, but the salt in the water does.  However, there were probably so many impurities in the ground and the bay's water from all the wreckage that it isn't smart to rely on that.  I'd need a pure source of water and an ionizing mineral that dissolves in water, but I can't just take some salt, sprinkle it all over the ground, then take a hose to it.  That's way too suspicious and it would probably disqualify me.  Maybe the lab has something that could work...

A water bottle could work! Maybe...yes! I don't have to soak the ground; I can just soak the Litwick! That way, when it sinks into the earth, there should be a conductive trail of saltwater through the soil that will transfer the Thundershock directly to her! Now, for the salt...

Hmm, there isn't a lot of water in this bottle...maybe sixteen ounces at most.  Regular table salt won't be very viable--

Wait...I remember Hitch using a Revive while we were in the mines to help Jess's Umbreon recover after the Makuhita attack, and that looked like a viable mineral substitute.  Hey, lab assistant, do you have any Revives here? Yes, I know I can heal my Pokemon with the machine over there, but this is for something different.  Yes, I will pay you back for it...I just have to write you an I.O.U. for it now.  Are you okay with that?

Okay, great! Now, let's just smash this up and stir it into the water...

This should work, but I can't just spray Litwick myself.  Elekid, you're going to have to take this and splash her yourself, but make sure you do it before she sinks into the ground.  You are a lot faster than her, so you should be fine.  Just...just be careful.  This trainer and his Litwick fight dirty.

Okay...let's go.

TOM:   Before we do this, I want to ask you something, and I want you to answer truthfully.  Why do you want this Pinsir?

JOSH:   I don't want the Pinsir.  I was going to give it to you, but you were an asshole about it, so I'm going to win it just so you can't have it.

TOM:   I don't like you.  I've never liked you and I don't trust you.  Now, my Elekid is going to kick the shit out of your Litwick.

JOSH:   Sure he will...

TOM:   You use dirty tactics and your Pokemon is recklessly destructive.  If Team Rocket is hiring, I'll give you a call.

JOSH:   I'm already employed.

TOM:   ...what did you say?

JOSH:   What?

TOM:   What did you just say? Did you...did you just say you were employed by Team Rocket?

JOSH:   I never said that.

TOM:   (takes out other Poke Balls) Then who is your employer? Just curious.

JOSH:   I'm not at liberty to say.  Are we gonna battle or what?

TOM:   (puts away Poke Balls) ...alright then.

I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him, but I'm not about to jump to any conclusions just yet...but I've got my eye on him.


Direct hit! Yeah--!

Sure, did just keep believing that.

Alright, Elekid! Quick Attack out of that Fire Spin and shock the ground just like we talked about! You see, Josh, I may not be the best Pokemon trainer out there, but I'm a damned good electrician and the only thing that conducts electricity better than metal is ionized water! Go!

Did you hear that scream! It hit! It actually hit! Haha!

There it is again! It's come out of the ground--

What's it doing?

It's getting smaller--?

Minimize! Damn! Elekid, shock it!

Okay, don't worry about that miss, just keep your focus!

Elekid! Jump up above it and aim for the glow of its flame! That should help you target it.

Yes! Great job, Elekid! Keep it up!

Alright...let's make sure that if we hit it, we hit it hard.  Use Leer!


WOAH! What was that move?! It just blew up in size and created a spectral image that hit Elekid...

Then it sank into the ground.  Great.  Okay,'s down to the wire now.  Look for the flame.  When that Litwick pops up again, you shock the living hell out of it.


Wait for it...

Wait for it...


It's attacking, too! Night Shade!

Come on, Elekid! Give it all you've got!

Steady now!

Come on!

My eyes! I can't see!

What happened? Who won?









Hitch...I want my Pinsir. I have to synch it to my brainwaves before I can use it? Okay, fine.

JOSH:'re not entirely worthless.

TOM:   ...and don't you ever forget that, Josh.

Alright, let's synch you up, Pinsir.

Okay, let's see if that worked...come on out--

Wait a minute...

You're a girl Pinsir! Wow...never would have guessed that.

Jeez, I need to figure out a way to pay back the lab for that Revive--

Hey, what's that metallic clanging noise coming from outside?

WHAT?! Arturo! Kevin! What the hell happened here?!?!

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