Saturday, January 12, 2013

I Want That Pinsir!

Alright, Hitch.  We're all here.  You've got the Pinsir, so I say you make the rules.  Decide how we're going to battle and referee the matches.  I doubt we can go all out against each other if we did it battle royal style, so I recommend some other way.

Okay...I can accept a four-man, one-on-one elimination tournament within official Pokemon League rules.  Let's decide the pairings, pick our champion Pokemon, and the only four moves that Pokemon gets to use.

I'm gonna stick with Elekid.  Leer will be helpful against anyone, Low Kick will help me out if Arturo picks Shieldon or Josh picks Larvitar, Ice Punch will help if Kevin picks Dratini or Arturo picks Swablu, and Thundershock should be a good bet if Josh decides to use Litwick.  Okay, I'm ready!

Hmm...long straw.  Who else got a long straw?

Alright then, Kevin.  It's you and me, but we're going second, apparently.  Let's give Josh and Arturo some room.  I wonder who they're going to pick for this fight...

Oh that's interesting.  You know, I never thought Arturo would use Swablu, especially if he figured that I would use Elekid.  Let's see how these two strategize.

Okay, Litwick seems to favor sinking into the earth where it can't be hit.  Damn.  That's a dirty tactic.  I'll need to figure out a way to work around that if he wins.  C'mon, Swablu!

That Peck worked pretty well, but Litwick's Fire Spin is pretty dangerous.  Get it together, bird! You're an easy foe and I want to face you in the finals!

Sing! Yes! Sing and put the Litwick to sleep! There she is, she's coming out of the ground! Peck it again! Yeah!

Wait...what is it doing now? Confuse Ray?! Damn! C'mon Swablu! Peck her! Peck her good--!

No, that's...that's the side of the professor's lab.  Shake it off, Swablu! Yeah, go for that dive-bomb...

Right into a Fire Spin NOOO!

Ugh.  Damn.  Now I have to fight Litwick if I beat Kevin.  Alright...let's do this thing!

Was...not...expecting...the Skarmory.  This is going to be difficult.

Elekid, stare that thing down and lower its defenses.  You're going to need all the help you can get.

It flew up into the air! Stand your ground.  If that thing dives at you, you zip out of the way and shock it--

A Sand Attack! Elekid, focus! Thundershock that bird!

Yeah! Great hit! Get ready, it looks like it's going to throw more sand--

KECH! Jeez, that almost hit me! Hey Hitch, you wanna remind Kevin that the Skarmory shouldn't be attacking the trainers? Thanks.  Now, Elekid, you shocked it on the wing...jump up and Ice Punch it right where you shocked it!

Okay, it didn't do much, but you're on top of him now! Keep a tight grip--

Darn, it's using Swift! Elekid, it's gonna hit, but try to keep your--

Elekid's fallen off! Stay calm, Elekid! Right as you're about to hit the ground, zip parallel to it and diminish your downward momentum!

Yeah! There ya go! Just watch out for Skar--





...Elekid, are you alright?



Elekid, that was amazing! Let's get you healed up before you fight Litwick--

Damn, we need to figure out what to do about Litwick.  We may need to get very creative with this.  We may have to stop fighting fair...

Time to brainstorm.

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