Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kick It! Kick It Again!

Okay...before we get into this, we should determine how we want to do this.  Since this is just for strengthening our Pokemon, we don't need to wager anything on this battle, but we should still go over the ground rules.  Do you want to do a one-on-one, a double battle--?

Say, how many Pokemon do you actually have to battle with?

Two? Huh...I could have sworn she had more.

So, you want to do a double battle? Okay, if you want to throw down both of your Pokemon, that's fine with me.  Give me just a minute to pick my two.

Well, I can see her Umbreon, and I know she was using her Murkrow to try to locate some stuff in the that should be her two, right? Well, Elekid would make short work of Murkrow, since it knows Electric-type and Ice-type attacks, and Low Kick should really pack a punch against Umbreon, so I'll use him.  Pidgey and Gligar won't be the right choices for this battle, and Pinsir's Seismic Toss isn't strong enough to make a good case for her.  I should really use Slakoth or Munchlax in battle, since they're pretty weak by comparison to the rest of my Pokemon...

Slakoth knows Yawn, and if he uses that on Umbreon, I can put it to sleep and focus on Murkrow, and since Elekid won't take too long in taking him out, I can double-team Umbreon! Yeah, that's the way to do it!

Okay, I'm ready! Call them out, Jess!

I bet you didn't expect me to call Slakoth out, huh? Who did you--?

Larvitar? I thought she said she only had two Pokemon...

Or did she mean two other Pokemon besides Umbreon?  When did she catch a--?

Wait a minute...I remember--

Oh God, what have we done?!?!

Elekid, we are not turning this into a grudge match! Use Low Kick and take that Larvitar out now--!

No I'm not gonna shatter your Larvitar, Jess.  Relax.  Just kick it and knock it out!

Alright, great! Just look out for--

Jesus, Elekid, are you alright?! That look like it hurt.  Slakoth, get in there! Use Yawn!

You...yeah.  Good job.  Elekid! Kick it! Kick it hard!

Come, Umbreon...sleep! Sleep...




Yeah! Kick it again! Kick it again! Slakoth, scratch it up!

That's more like it! But man, this thing won't stay down--

It's getting up! KICK IT! KICK IT AGAIN!!!!

Alright, we won! Great job, guys!

Jess, that was an awesome battle...but I hope you'll forgive me for what I'm about to do.

That's right, folks! If you want strong Pokemon or just that little extra of an edge over your opponent, head on over to the Pawn-iard Shop for some great deals on some fabulous items! Tell them Tom sent ya!

I am so sorry about that.  I sort of have to sell this place.

You know, I completely forgot you had Larvitar.  I called out Elekid in case you wanted to use your Murkrow; I didn't want Elekid and Larvitar to fight so soon.

Agreed.  They should stay as far away from each other as possible.  Maybe if you battled it a little more, it would be a bit calmer.  Would you like to try again when you get them healed? I can use different Pokemon--

Say, I just had a thought.  You catch Dark-type Pokemon, right? Well, a cop told me that the fish that attacked me in that lake were Carvanha, a Dark-type Pokemon.  And remember how you we were talking about how there might be something in the Earthen Cavern that someone doesn't want us to find, and that's why it's so dangerous?

That's right! The safest place to keep a valuable object in that cave would be in that lake! What if you caught a Carvanha? That way, you'd have a Water-type Pokemon as well as another Dark-type, and we could use that Pokemon to swim alongside his friends and relatives safely and search the lake for anything out of the ordinary!

You're right, we would benefit from having Kevin and Arturo helping out with the search.  Well, let's heal our Pokemon and find out how they feel about the idea.

Say, what happens when you catch more than six Pokemon? Do you have to release one, or do you hold onto it and just kind of ignore it, or what?

A PC account? You can store them in the internet? Does that hurt?

No, I imagine if your Dad keeps most of his Eevee's in the computer, it must not be so bad.  Is that where you got your Eevee from?

So you knew your Eevee for a long time, huh?

That's why your Eevee evolved into an Umbreon when it saw you? Because it was really happy--?

Hey wait!

My Munchlax is supposed to evolve when it's really happy, too! A Snorlax would probably be really helpful in checking out that cave!

No, I can't force it to be happy, but I bet you I could make it really happy here; if there's one thing I know my Munchlax likes, it's food, and what does this town have?

A fresh produce farmer's market!

Arturo! Heal up your Pokemon and come with me! Bring your Munchlax.

I have an idea...

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