Friday, January 25, 2013

The Heart of Darkness

Alright.  I have a complaint for the Cythos Department of Transportation.  This is Route 1.  This is a very nice road.  It's well maintained and very scenic.  But I would like to know...

...why this is considered the "safest route" to Chloris by every law enforcement officer I've met.  Someone's already been attacked in these supposedly well-lit tunnels, and I am not about to take any chances.  Something went wrong here and I'm not taking another step until I know what that was and how to fix it.

Let's see...there doesn't seem to be any kind of lighting fixtures, so it isn't an electrical problem...

Hello, what's all this then?

This looks like some kind of skylight, but it's been packed in with dirt.  I bet if I can jostle the crud loose, the cave will illuminate.  Gligar, come on out here!

Gligar, attack that dirt!

Yes, I'm aware that this is a rather unusually request, but you can fly and dig fairly easily, so you're a better option than Pidgey for this.  Besides, it will all become clear to you very soon.

That's better! Alright, now we know how to approach this cave--

Did you just hear something?

Elekid, come out here for a minute and just be ready for some nonsense--

Here comes the nonsense! Gligar, grab that thing! Elekid, use Thundershock on Gligar!

You're not very trusting, are you? You'll be fine, now go!

There we go! The bat is unconscious and you don't have a scratch on you, Gligar.  You're going to be very important once we hit the Electric-type gym in Mastam City.  Now...what to do with the body.  I don't want it waking up and causing trouble.  I know!

Pinsir, I want you to stay out with Gligar and Elekid for damage control.  If you see a fainted Pokemon, you throw it as far away as you can.  Teamwork, you understand?

That's...that's showing a lot of initiative, Pinsir.  Also, you don't have to throw them against the stone walls.  You could just throw them down the tunnel away from us--

Or just keep doing what you're doing.  Whatever.  I don't mind.  Good job?

Alright, let's just keep our eyes open--

Pinsir, you don't have to throw everything you see.  Just unconscious Pokemon.  Leave that rock--

Oh.  I see.  Well...good work.

This Geodude looks pretty badly burned.  It must have been in battle with a powerful Fire-type, but Fire-types don't usually live in caves--

Wait a second...there's scorching all over the place here.

Damn! He must be headed to Chloris, too! Ugh, no matter.  Slow and steady through this cave and we won't have to worry about that asshole.  Let's keep moving.  Elekid, keep the Flash up so we can spot those skylights.

There are a few more in this room, Gligar.  Let's loosen that dirt up--

Gligar, what's the matter? Did you get hit by something? Everyone on full alert, we're not alone.

What...what is...I don't even...EVERYONE ATTACK THEM! Gligar, grab! Elekid, electrocute! Pinsir,--! just do what you've been doing and we'll all be fine.

You know, it's kind of unsportsmanlike to attack 3-on-2 like this, but then again, this isn't a battle for capturing Pokemon...this is a battle for survival.  However unsportsmanlike this system may be, it works really well.

Great job, everyone! Now, let's--

What have you got there, Gligar?

A TM! Great find, Gligar! Hmm, TM #47, eh? I don't know that one off-hand.  Hell, I don't know any of the TM's off-hand.  Maybe when we get to Chloris, we can look it up.

Okay guys, let's move onto the next room.

Careful, the ground is really soft here and there's a big hole in the middle of the room, so don't fall in.

Odd...this hole seems very round, almost as if it was a burrow, but it's way too big to be that.  I mean, what sort of Pokemon would need a long dirt burrow that snakes through the cave--?

Uh oh.

Oh, shit! I remember hearing stories about this from hikers when I was working back at the Power Plant! If they're in the Rock Tunnel, they're bound to be here in Cythos, too--

I hear rumbling.  Oh lord, this is not good.  This is not good at all! Everybody on full alert! We're gonna have company real soon and it isn't gonna be happy.

The tremors are getting bigger and the rumbling is getting louder! Here it comes...wait for it...


Elekid, use Ice Punch to faze it! Pinsir, use Seismic Toss to get that thing down to our level! Gligar, blind it with Sand-Attack to give us a little more time!

Great job! Let's keep it up--

The Onix is wrapping itself around Pinsir! Tag out, girl! I may need you for later.  Tag in...

Slakoth! I know I don't use you very often, but I'm gonna need you to put that thing to sleep with Yawn.  Can you do that for me--?

Oh...Elekid just knocked the Onix out with a second Ice Punch? Well, it looks like you don't have to really do anything, Slakoth--

Yep, just get that Yawn out of your system.  There you go.  Good boy.

I should probably remember that there are Onixes...Onices...I found an Onix here and there might be more.  Stupid plurals.  Let's go.

Hmm...this tunnel looks different.  It's made out of hard-pact dirt, and I think it's blocking the fastest way out of here.  My Pokemon really don't have the capacity to tunnel through this in the safest or fastest way, so let's move on for now and maybe come back to this later.

Wow, an underground lake! And it looks like there's another tunnel on the other side, but the only way to get across is to swim, apparently.  Well, I'm not about to just dive into the water; it could be dangerous.  Let me just have a little taste of it to see if it's saltwater or freshwater, just in case I need Elekid to Thundershock it--


[Splashed into the lake thanks to a critical failure; whenever I have to roll not to fall, I always fall...this is a fact]

Alright, Tom.  Don't panic.  Yes, the trench-coat is very heavy and it's weighing you down, and your Pokemon can't really help you now, and you just alerted anything in the water to where you are, but nothing is fucked just yet.  Just slowly swim your way back to--

Something bumped my leg.  Something just bumped into my leg! Don't panic.  Whatever you do, don't panic--

There's water stirring and something is coming right for me.  Okay, don't panic...but swim a hell of a lot faster.  Pidgey, get out here!

Pidgey, pump some wind at the water to slow whatever is coming after me!

It's working...but not very well.  Okay, just don't panic.  Don't--



Oh no...this is going to get really bad if I can't get back onto land soon! Pidgey, go after that thing! Use Frustration!

Gligar, you try to knock that thing off of me, too, but stay away from the water!

It's not working! The thing is still clamped on! Gah!

Jeez, this coat is heavy...

And I'm starting to feel really weak...

Come on, Tom, just one swift push and you can reach the shore.

[Whenever I have to roll not to fall, I always fall...this is a fact]

[And apparently, sinking is just falling while underwater]

Okay, Tom.  Now everything is fucked.


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