Monday, April 22, 2013

Go Home, Plant...You're Drunk

Well, the interior doesn't seem too badly damaged, but they're on emergency power here.  We need to fix up their power grid if we're going to expect them to heal mass quantities of Pokemon.

Don't worry, Nurse Joy...I'm an electrician and I'm here to help.  Just show me where I can get work and we'll have this place up and running in no time--

Say...did anyone take care of that Grass-type Pokemon outside that still thinks the riot is going on?

No? I gonna have to do that?



Alright...I know it's gonna be a long-shot, but if I'm gonna be fighting the gym leader in a few hours, I better train everyone...and that means everyone.

Go, Lapras!

Don't look at me like that.  Yes, I know you're on land, but I need you to use some Ice-type attacks against that plant Pokemon up there.  You don't need the water for that.

Lapras, look out--!

Oh wait...the thing can't reach you with its attacks.  Yeah, you go have fun on this thing, Lapras.

That ought to do it.  Feeling strong? I'm gonna need you in top shape to take out Prodiga's Dragon-types.  But first...

Will someone call the Daycare couple and tell them to pick up their plant?

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