Monday, April 22, 2013

Once More Into The Breach, Dear Friends...

We need to figure out how best to get back into Isis.  I mean, we can't just stroll on in there and tell everyone to stop rioting--

Oh... want us to just stroll on in there and tell everyone to stop the rioting...

...while riding on the back of John Henry the Steelix? Well, Tara, I didn't have anything better, so I guess we'll go with that plan.

So, I guess our main objective is going to be to find Prodiga, right? If she's the one who can get everyone under control and if she's the one with most of the power in the city, then we need to make sure she's safe.

So...that's where we're headed, huh? Yeah, I would guess that's the thick of it.  Aren't there any riot police with fire-hoses trying to disperse the crowd?

Well...there you have it, I suppose.  It doesn't look like the crowd is dispersing very much, though.  That unified line of water cannons is just providing the mob with a single direction towards which they'd want to focus their force.  We need to disperse them internally.  I know! I'll throw one of my Pokemon into the thick of them to get them to scatter!

Go, Snorlax!

Defense Curl right in the middle of the crowd! If they won't get out of the way of the cannons, they're sure gonna scatter for you!

Wow, that sure worked well! And from atop this Steelix, I won't be at risk of being trampled or pummeled--

HEY! Get off of my leg--!

No! You're not pulling me down off this thing! I would be at risk of being trampled or pummeled! Pinsir, go!

Let's see how you like getting grabbed! Pinsir, grab anyone who gets too close to John Henry and toss them as far as you can!

Hold on...does...does sounds...really...peaceful...




GAH! I'm awake! Oww! Jeez!

Please don't do that again.

Hey, it looks like most of the crowd has dissipated.  That's good.  We just need to focus on--

CRAP! Gligar, go!

Knock that trash can out of that guy's hands before he throws it through the window of the Pokemon Center!

Great job! Now we--

Pinsir, wait! I--

You know what? Screw it.  Good job, girls.

Hey, who's that little guy sitting between the garbage cans and the unconscious idiot in the garbage can? He looks awfully peaceful during a time of great chaos...

The Pokedex says it's a Meditite and that it's a Psychic-type.  Could this little guy be what's driving all those people nuts? Elekid, check this guy out; if he's doing this, you shock him real good.

Oh, he's just protecting those baby Pokemon? Okay, cool! We'll leave this little guy to his job--

Crud! A huge mob of people is rushing towards John Henry! We got to plow through them if we are going to get to Prodiga's castle...wait, that's it!

Gligar, use Dig and carve us a big trench straight towards the crowd!

Snorlax, roll up into a tight ball and get ready to move!

Good enough! Pinsir, roll this big galoot straight down the trench towards these people! We'll bowl them down if they don't run away!

Alright gang...roll out!

This ought to do the trick--

Wait, is that Kevin over there?! Who is he chasing--?!

It's that asshole with the Voltorb and the ponytail! Elekid, don't let him get away! Use Swift!

Damn, he ducked behind a building! Kevin, you better get that jerk-off--!

Hey, Tara, someone's calling for you from the parapets of the gym.  Who--?

I'm...I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that this is the gym leader.  No offense to you, Tara, but you gym leaders all sort of have a look about you.

Let's try to figure out what the hell happened here...

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