Monday, April 22, 2013


I've gathered that there's something very wrong going on here.  We all have, Prodiga.  What else can you tell us?

So, just because hosting the Pokemon World Tournament here in Isis was your idea, the people are blaming you for all the bad stuff that's been happening? They can't possibly believe that if they have any sense about hem whatsoever.  I mean, if we could just get one of the old league champions or any of the gym leaders from the S.S. Anne to tell them that things started going awry even before they made landfall, the people would understand, but so far the only person we've been able to find is Wallace, and the police took him away for--

Wait...what do you mean the police are still looking for him? They found him already.  They lifted him out of Herne on one of their helicopters and--

The police in Cythos...don't have helicopters??


Maybe one of the other gym leaders washed up onshore after the S.S. Anne sank--

You're telling me it didn't actually sink? The thing is still out there in the sea somewhere?! We need to find that thing as soon as possible...but how?

A lab at Mastam City that monitors radio waves? Maybe they can pick up on an S.O.S. signal from the cruise ship!

Kevin! You're back! What happened to that asshole in the ponytail?

Yeah, of course you can use my phone to call the cops.  What happened to that guy?

So, you think he incited the riots and that he was responsible for the explosion at the stadium? If I ever see him again, I'll--

Maelstrom? He was talking about something called Maelstrom? Well what the hell is that? A weapon? A new team?

You're right, Tara, teams are usually much more public about their least Team Rocket was.   If this is a team operation, they would have announced themselves by now.  Then again, this could be something new--

What the--?

Ah, so it was your Swablu singing that caused most of the rioters to fall asleep and me to nearly fall off of a Steelix to what would have probably been my death.  Good, uh...good work?

Aww, Elekid's passed out now.  I better pick this guy up and head to the Pokemon Center, maybe work on repairing some of the damage.

You're right, Prodiga.  We would need to get to Mastam quickly, but isn't that on the other side of a desert? How are we supposed to get across that?

A bike shop in Kahu? That'll work if there's a cycling road through the desert.  Just talk to this guy Ty and he'll hook us up? Great.  What are your plans for Isis, then?

Double the housing construction efforts, holding tournaments, and reopening the gym? Sounds like a plan to me.

A waste of time to fight gym battles? I'm not so sure about that--

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with Tara on this one; if we challenge the gym leaders on our way to Mastam, we'll strengthen our teams to face whatever this new threat is to Cythos.  We need to be prepared and we need Isis to have faith in their gym leader once again.

Prodiga, if you want a confidence-inspiring match for when your gym reopens, you give me a call and I'll give you that match.

Yeah, that's no problem.  Take all the time you need to set things up.  We should probably use that time to fix up the Pokemon Center.

Definitely going to need several hours for this job.  Say, if we're all going to be running off in different directions after this, we really should trade our contact information.  I have a phone now.  Oh, and Arturo...when you get a chance, I'm going to need to have a word with your father.

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