Thursday, April 4, 2013

Avenge Me, Fish!

(POV: Chinchou)

CHINCHOU:   What did you do?!?! He was only trying to help you!!!

LAPRAS:   Wha--huh? Oh...I'm leaving.

CHINCHOU:   You're not going anywhere!

LAPRAS:   Argh!

CHINCHOU:   You might have been able to survive out in the open ocean with that wound, but that Thunder Wave just paralyzed you! Now you can't survive out there, so you need his help!

LAPRAS:   I know of ways to take care of this...

CHINCHOU:   Where do you think you're diving off to?!

LAPRAS:   Ugh...why you--GAH!

CHINCHOU:   You'll only hurt yourself if you try to attack me now!

LAPRAS:   Leave me alone--!

CHINCHOU:   No! You hurt him and now you're not leaving until you help him! I've dealt with worse foes than you! I'm not afraid! Come on!

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