Thursday, April 4, 2013

That's Not A Wave...

(POV: Tom)

I have no idea what's going on out there, but that Pokemon is looking really pissed! I've got to think of something to get it closer so I can try to calm it down.  If only there was some way to lure it over here--

...right! Let's just spray a little bit onto my hand like so, and accounting for the direction of the wind...

Wounded sea-giant! Come to me!

Not you, you dumb bird--!


Pidgey, return!

Jesus, Pidgey! Ugh, I can't give up now!

I wonder if it can even smell the PokeLure--

Okay, I think it smells it now.

Wow, that thing sure can move across the water fast, huh? Yes, just come a bit closer so I can see what's afflicting you.  I am your friend, gentle giant.  There is no need to fear me--

That's not a wave.  Wait, is this thing attacking me--?!


(The answer is is, in fact, attacking me, but there wasn't much Tom could do, having critically failed the Perception check to spot the incoming aquatic assault.  This, compounded with Pidgey's pecking assault, along with wounds accumulated from the run-ins with the Bellsprouts, the Starly, and that douche-bag's Voltorb leaves Tom with -6 HP.  Furthermore, if you recall, the shore is rather rocky, so upon falling unconscious, Tom cracked his head pretty bad on the rocks under his feet.  He's making saving throws now to try to stabilize the bleeding from an unconscious state, and seeing as how that feat is relatively impossible to accomplish by myself and Jess has run off onto the bridge to attend to a Sneasel she encountered earlier, things are looking grim for old Tom here.)

(Funny...thought the Carvanha would have killed him, but the Lapras is looking like the more likely game-ender.  And the Pokedex say they're gentle...ha.)

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