Thursday, May 23, 2013

Storming the Castle

Just gotta patch up this last generator...and we're good! The Pokemon Center is back up to full operating capacity.

Oh, hey Jess.  You've come to pick up the plant for the daycare? Alrighty, just make sure you put that thing in its ball quickly.  Nurse Joy is having a hell of a time keeping that thing sedated.

Do I want anything from Kahu? Uhh...just tell me what kind of wild Pokemon you see on your way over there.


No, on second thought, I'll ask you about that later.  There's not much I could do about it now, so never mind.

By the way, if you're interested, Kahu's got a Fighting-type gym, so just keep that in mind in case you decide to--

Oh, I think I'm getting a text message:

Gym's open, ready when you are!  ^_^;;

I think that's my cue to go see Prodiga.  Alright, I think if my current team can subdue riots, my current team can take the gym.


Let's go, guys...

Man, this place sure is imposing, but I knew that when I first saw it.

Hey...uh...gym guy.  How's it going? Actually, what is your name?

Jim Gai.  Fantastic.

Hmm...seems to be less names on the statue plaques here than in Chloris.  Must have a steeper difficulty curve the further down the road I go.

It's a new gym? So wait...was there another gym somewhere that got shut down?

Decommissioned gym on Victory Road, huh? Interesting.  Well, any advice you can give my about the gym?

Dragons are strong against other Dragons and are weak to Ice.  Great, I should be in fairly good shape then.  Take care--

Another bottle of water? What...why? Will I need this--?

Screw it, I'm going in. looks like I can either go left or right up, let's say right for now.

They've really gone all out in designing this gym, huh? It'd be a shame if any of this stuff got damaged in battle.  It all looks very expensive.

Here we go!

The room is pretty for that pile of Poke balls and--

...a ten year old girl.  Is she an apprentice of Prodiga? She seems awfully young to be a gym trainer.  Well, I came here for the badge, so...

Excuse me? You're here to battle me, aren't you?

Yes? Okay. Let's--

I have to find a key to get to the rest of the gym? Alright, fine--

I have to "get rid of my greed if I want to move forward in life"? Okaaaay...

So, the've hidden it in one of the Poke Balls, haven't you? No? Well, there's nowhere else you could have hidden it.  Do I have to battle you first? I mean, how quickly did others find the key?

Some were quick, some took a while.  What did the quick ones do?

Look through the Poke Balls? Alright, I'll start there.

Alright, let's see what I can find in here--





Use Water Pulse!

Hey hey! One-hit knockout! Alright! Now, blast the pile of balls and make sure there isn't another one hiding in there!

Knew it! Lapras, look out!

It's got you by the neck, so try to Water Pulse it off of you!

Just...gotta...tweak your neck...the right...

Screw it, use Confuse Ray, then blast it!

Alright! Victory! Now, where's that key--?

Ah ha! Excellent! Now, let's see...I guess I'll go through the northern door--

$400! Thanks!

Let's see...

Similar room to the first one, but this one has a bit of a moat--

Another young kid? And atop another pile of balls.  Okay...let's do this thing.  I know the drill by now. Lapras, go! Into the moat!

Yes, I know it's a tight squeeze, but you don't really need to turn around, do you? The moat's in a circle.  Swim in a circle! Blast the pile of balls--

He's got a Swablu.  Flying-type.  Lapras, get ready with Ice Shard--

It's singing! Aw, shit.


What if I splash him a bit? That should do the trick!


He's absorbing the water like a sponge.  Well, that's peculiar.  It almost looks like he does that to heal himself, but that wasn't enough water.

Lapras! Swablu is pecking the hell out of you! If you don't wake up and pelt that thing with Ice Shard, you're finished!


OW! Clunked my damn head against the wall...

Man, I'm dizzy--


There you go, Lapras! Keep at it!

Great job, Lapras, but I think you're done for right now.  Time to swap.

Let's do this, buddy!

Alright, another one of these guys.  Let's see how well it likes an Ice Punch right in the--

You fell in the moat?! How do you fall in the moat?! Now your arm is frozen in a little iceberg and you can't really move it--

And now that orange bear-trap Pokemon just clamped onto it.  Great.

Great! Ah ha! We have him right where we want him! Pull yourself up and Low Kick him into the moat with you!

Now he's in the water! Right where you want him! Ice Punch!

That will do it! Now, return to your ball, Elekid.  I'll release you back onto the platform and get you out of that ice-- this guy yours? He is? Great.  Elekid?

Got any others? No? Awesome.  Now...about that key.  I seem to recall my coworkers back at the plant being able to use their Pokemon to make improvised electromagnets.  I wonder if I can do that with Elekid to attract the other key.  Elekid, give it a shot.  Charge up the first key and make a magnet.

You have no idea how to do that, do you? Eh, it's okay.  It's probably in the water anyway.  Care for a swim?

Hey, a hidden panel opened up on the far wall--

There's the key! I'm not sure what you did, Elekid, but good job! Return.

Hey pal, do I have to beat this gym in one shot? No? Fantastic!

I'll be right back! Just gotta hit up the Pokemon Center...

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