Tuesday, May 28, 2013


(POV: Tom Cedar)

Do not stop, Lapras.  Do.  Not.  Stop.

His attacks are slowing...we're doing it...

Good.  Lapras, return--

Alright...maybe later.

PRODIGA:   Is your Elekid alright?

TOM:   He should be, for now.  He's not coming out of his ball until I get him to a Pokemon Center.

PRODIGA:  Good, good.

TOM:   That last Pokemon of yours is a bit of a disheartening foe for only the second gym.

PRODIGA:   A win is a win, no matter how ugly--is your Lapras filling up my Poke Ball trench with water?

TOM:   It likes water.

PRODIGA:   That it does...

TOM:   Besides, you've got two moats already.  Why not a third?

PRODIGA:   Why not?

TOM:   Elekid would have been dead if I brought him here to face you three days ago, and now he's clasping on for dear life as it is.

PRODIGA:  Just imagine how strong he'll be three days from now.  He'll be something to really be proud of.

TOM:  He already is...

PRODIGA:  You aren't going to stay at this level.  You'll grow, just like your Pokemon will, but you'll never know what you're going to become or what your Pokemon are really going to be like.  They might evolve and change their personalities entirely.  Same thing with people.  The thing to remember is that everyone has a chance at greatness, but you can only decide who you'll be tomorrow.  The future...well, who can say? Here, take this.

PRODIGA:   The Potential Badge, along with $2500 cash, and this TM.

PRODIGA:   Dragon Claw.  Can't teach the more powerful Dragon-type moves to my Pokemon until hey evolve, but this one packs a wallop all the same.  You know, you and your friends really saved all of our asses today.  Your story might very well be told around here for a long time, Tom, but your story's just beginning.  You gotta get to Mastam and figure out what's going on with the S.S. Anne's radio signals.  Good luck.

TOM:   By the way, you may want to talk to Lucius.  A Fire-type like his in a room with a moat may not be such a good idea.

PRODIGA:   Pokemon training is ugly sometimes, but both of our species would have died out by now if it weren't for the other.

TOM:   From my experience, it seems like the one is constantly trying to kill the other...and hell, ll I ever do is walk through the grass from time to time.  Heh...

Did...did I just laugh at the fact that I almost get killed on a daily basis? What is wrong with me--?


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