Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here Be Dragons...

Wow...would you just look at this place? It's massive! Deceptively so, considering the outside.  There appears to be another moat here---

Filled to the brim with Poke Balls?! Holy hell, this must be some kind of treasure horde.

Across the moat, there spans a bridge of stone...

At its apex, there sits a throne, and upon the throne...

Sits Prodiga.  Fitting.  No sense in waiting, but where are the spectators? There are a few balconies behind her, but not many have come to see the grand re-opening of the gym.

TOM:   Not many people came to see the battle today.

PRODIGA:   What did you expect? It's the first battle since the gym reopened, and a lot of people have other problems on their minds.

TOM:   Very true.

PRODIGA:   Well?

TOM:   Prodiga, I need to fight this battle to strengthen my skills as a Pokemon trainer.  You need this battle to strengthen your people's faith in you.  However, I think Isis needs this battle the most to strengthen the people's resolve and to get them through this tough time.

PRODIGA:   Being a gym leader is a lot...bigger than I thought.  We don't get elected to the position; we just sort of become what the city needs and try to do the best we can to lead them.  I was just a kid when I stepped up...I still am, really.  Thought it was all fun and games, and when things were going well I was happy to take the credit, but then they turned on me.  You see, everyone thinks they know what they will become, but no one really knows.  You just sort of have to roll with the punches.  I've got a lot to learn.

TOM:   Don't we all?

PRODIGA:   You don't know where you'll end up, but you can't forget the steps ahead of you--

TOM:   Or the ones behind you.

PRODIGA:   Benn talking to Tera, huh? She might have been tough, but I beat her.

TOM:   She says that to everyone who beats her, and if I heard it, you know where that lands us...

PRODIGA:   Your next steps lead to me.  I hope we haven't scared you off with all this rioting madness.

TOM:   I'm still here, aren't I?

PRODIGA:   Thank you.  So...what now, Tom Cedar?

TOM:   I say we give these people the fight they came here to see.  Go, Pinsir!

Let's see these dragons of yours, Prodiga!

Tiny little guy, but I'm not about to count you out that quickly--

Damn, he's quick! Pinsir! Into the ball-pit! Get ready to Dig!

Don't rush it, girl.  Prodiga knows what's going to happen, but we need to provoke her into getting her dragon close.  Use Focus Energy and get ready.

It's getting closer.  Harden and be ready to strike on my mark...

She's having her Pokemon blast the balls out of the moat!


Direct hit! Great going, girl! He's on his back, now we just have to--

Look out!

Pinsir, are you alright?! Those tusks pack a massive punch! Don't let them hit you again!

It's trying to slash through your chest with those massive teeth of his, but it needs to brace its legs against your pincers to get the leverage; grab its legs and slam it into the bridge!

That's how we do it, girl! Slam him again--!

It's charging up another Dragonbreath attack! Throw it as far away as you can!

Good dodge, girl! He's almost done, now charge him! We aren't gonna let him tear your guts out! Vicegrip!

Pinsir, wait--!


You put up one hell of a fight, girl...get some rest.

Now, Prodiga, let's bring out the big boys.



KABOOM! Great hit, little lady! Keep at him--!

This does not bode well...

Gligar, you're still up! Give it one more Quick Attack! Just one more!

Direct hit!

Great job, girl! You did it! We've won--

Wait, is it night yet?

Damn it, all! We were so close, girl!

We'll get you to evolve one day, but right now, I need you to hang tough for me, okay? That's my girl!

Alright, Prodiga...who's next?

These Dragon-types sure look nasty.  Gligar, I need you to hang in there and do as much as you can to this guy to help out the rest of the team, okay? Use Sand-Attack!

Great shot! Now, get out of there before it can get you!

PRODIGA:   He doesn't know what he's getting into, Gible! Sand is your domain!

Why...why would she say that--?

It did a Sand-Attack, too?! Good thing Gligar was high up there and didn't really get hit by the attack, but...could that thing also be a Ground-type? Gligar, let's test this out! Dig into the concrete floor!

Great job--

It's making for the ball-pit! Get up right underneath it and hammer it--!

(Oh, you son of a bitch.  It was going so well, too! Fuck you, dice app.  Fuck you.)

And Gligar digs up, explodes from the pit, and bashes her head against the underside of the stone bridge.  Fantastic.  She's still in there, though, if only by a thread--

PRODIGA:   Let's make things interesting, Gible! Sandstorm!

I knew it! It IS a Ground-type as well as a Dragon-type! But...how is Sandstorm going to work? There's no more sand around here.  The only thing here is--


Gligar! Duck and weave! Get me one more shot in on this sharky little bastard! Quick Attack!

Crud, Gligar's gone down into the pit.  I can't see a thing unless I get closer, and I can't get closer with all those balls up in the air.  I just...gotta wait...for an opening...now!

Gligar, are you alright--?

Damn...Gligar, return.

Prodiga, you've done well so far, but you've betrayed your Gible's greatest weakness.  Now, go!


And that is all she wrote for the proud and powerful Gible.

PRODIGA:   That's a powerful little Pokemon you got there!

TOM:   Same to you.

PRODIGA:   In a few months, he'll be real strong...but you ain't fighting me in a few months.  You're fighting me now.  Let's see how strong he really is.  Go, Bagon!

Alright, Elekid...you know what you need to do.  Ice him down!

BAM! Direct hit! I knew I could count on you, buddy--!

It's still up? But how? How strong is this thing--?


Elekid, no--!


What did that thing do to--?

Oh no...Elekid.  Please, no...

He's still alive, but he's bleeding.  He's bleeding way to much.  Return! Now!





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