Monday, February 11, 2013

Humans Like Weird Things

(POV: Elekid)

If I get out of here alive, I swear I'm going to have me some serious words with Tom about this lake and about how we should never ever ever come back here.  Now, where is that Carvanha? There's a slight glimmer down there, but I'm not a very strong swimmer--

Wait second...I'll just zip down to it with a Quick Attack and zip back out! Elekid, you sly devil, you!

I'm getting pretty good at this whole zipping around thing--

Whoa, Carvanha, you don't look so good.  And what's that you got in your mouth?

That's a pretty weird thing.  The trainers are always happy when we bring them weird things! We gotta get you to the--!

GLOOP! Forgot.  Can't talk underwater.  Okay.  I bring you up, okay? Good--! you're the one who's been lighting the water up, huh?'re helping us? Well, you don't need to tell me twice! Carvanha, you're coming with me! stay and hold of the other fish...all by yourself...

Hey, I'm not gonna argue with you about it.  I mean, I wouldn't--


GASP! Okay! Fish, give them the thing! Tom, hey, you might want to check this out.  Also, there's a guy down here--

Oh, there he is!

ELEKID:   Hey, thanks for the help back there.

CHINCHOU:   Thank you.  You brought the light back.  I don't like the dark...

ELEKID:   Are you scared of the dark?

CHINCHOU:   The Carvanha come out when it's dark.  I try to do my best, but it still gets very dark...

ELEKID:   So, you don't really like this lake, do you?

CHINCHOU:   No, not's not safe with all the Carvanha around...

(Why is Tom giving that girl money? Wait a minute...I know that look in his eye.  Okay, let me see what I can do."

ELEKID:   Would you like to go somewhere safe?

CHINCHOU:   Oh, yes please...but where?

ELEKID:   Do you see that man over there in the black jacket with all the shit written on it?


ELEKID:   Well, he'll keep you real safe.  I was in a very dangerous place like this when he found me and saved my life...and he really likes Electric-type Pokemon, so he'll take good care of you.

CHINCHOU:   What do I have to do?

ELEKID:   See that little ball? He's gonna throw it to you and you just hop on in there.  Nothing can hurt you while you're in there.

CHINCHOU:   I want to go in the ball, please...

ELEKID:   Of course you do.

Tom...throw it now.









Welcome to the team, brother.

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