Monday, February 11, 2013


Jess, get your Umbreon to heal Kevin! He looks really fucked up!

Kevin, are you alright? What the hell happened in there?

Beedrill? I don't know what a Beedrill is, but if it's anything like a bee...with a drill...then we're in some deep shit if we plan on going into that hive.

Also, who is this child?

So, Beedrill shouldn't be anywhere near that hive? It should just be Combee? Are they like bees...with combs? That at least sounds nicer.

So, the Combee obey the Vespiquen, which is like their queen, and they make honey...but if Beedrill come into the hive, the whole hive becomes hyper-agressive? And the Beedrill can poison us? And the Combee can release a powder that basically hypnotizes us and our Pokemon into becoming sitting ducks?

Well...we need to find that police officer, and I want a Snorlax, so we better get in there.  Everybody stay alert! We need to work as a team on this one.  Also, I don't have any Poke Balls on me, so don't worry about me wanting to catch anything in here, but if y'all want to, just be classy about it.

I'm looking at you, shit-head...

Gligar! Pidgey! You're both Flying-types and are strong against Bug-types, so you're going to be my wing-men--

You know what? I even hate me a little for that one.  Everyone let's get inside and figure out what to do.

I don't recommend we use smoke to calm the bees down, since we could all asphyxiate in here if we try that, so keep your Fire-types on a leash.

Looking at you again, shit-head...

So, I think we could create a diversion using our Munchlaxes to draw out the Beedrill.  If they're busy protecting the honey, they won't be able to plan an ambush.  Now, what do we do once we get in there, besides look for the cop?

So, there's something wrong with the Vespiquen if there're Beedrill here? Well then, it looks like we should probably find her first to make for a safer escape for the cop when we find him...if we find him. We should probably come up with some kind of plan; then again, there really isn't a whole lot of time we're toying with here, so...let's wing it?

Okay Jess, you stand guard out here and make sure nothing gets out of this hive--

You''re lending me your Umbreon? You're sending it with me? I mean, that's fine...I just have no idea how to use her in battle, so--

A notebook on how to use Umbreon in battle? Well, if you put it that way...I supposed she can come with me.

Alright, let's do this.


Aww, those things are kind of cute...

...but not in a swarm! Pidgey! Gligar! Go! Kevin, I'm running alongside you! We should check all the way up there, where that light is coming from at the top of the dome.  Let's move!

This ramp is pretty treacherous, so don't slip and fall--

Kevin! You slipped and almost fell! What did I just get done telling you? You can't get distracted by the slightest--

Hey, look over there! That's where the Combee are delivering the those dangling things.  I can't quite make out what those are, but we should definitely head up there.  You gonna be able to make it, Kevin?


Ke-Kevin, what's wrong? What do you see?

Oh shit.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this thing is a Beedrill.  Oh boy...

Kevin, do you and Dratini want to handle this one? Maybe if you distract it enough, I can investigate those dangling things a bit more closely.

Yes, that's perfect! Keep its attention! Funny, I thought there'd be a lot more--

OH BUTT-FUCKS! Pidgey, use your Gust attack! Gligar, pelt them with Sand-Attack and blind them! I'm gonna need to call Elekid out for this one; I'm far enough away from Jess's Larvitar that there shouldn't be any issues.  I just hope Kevin is handling his--


And I'm realizing that Kevin holding the severed head of a Beedrill while screaming bloody murder is the first sight Elekid saw when I called him out.

Elekid, you have seen some serious shit in your life--

Wait a minute! Kevin is provoking the Beedrills to him...and Arturo is diverting the swarm towards him! Kevin, now's our chance! We need to move up to that central area at the top! Let's go!

Now, what are these things, and why are the Combee feeding them?

Oh...these things don't look very Combee-y.  They look more Beedrill-y.  This isn't good.  We need to get rid of these before the Vespiquen--




Elekid, use Shock Wave--

Kevin, what are your Dratini and Corphish doing?

They're combining their moves? Oh, like Gust and Sand-Attack! Okay! I'll get in on this! Elekid, use Shock Wave in conjuncture with their...

Bubble and Twister?! Oh, this is going to be big...

My's almost beautiful...and it's headed straight for the Vespiquen--!

Gah, stupid bees! Stupid hive-mind is going the get them killed!

Well, it hit...but did we get the queen?




She doesn't look happy, does she?

No, I'm going to wager that she isn't very happy at all...and I'm pretty sure her kids aren't going to be very chipper about us attacking their mother.'s been nice knowing you all.  Should have known I would have been killed by giant bees...

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