Sunday, May 31, 2015

I'm In My Element

Well, looks like that whole let's-not-split-up-because-we-won't-be-able-to-communicate-with-each-other-until-the-power-plant-is-back-to-normal thing just went out the fucking window, so let's get a move on.  I want to get out of this desert before nightfall--

What's the hold up, Jess? And why is Soot out?, because your Houndour was the runt of the litter...because it evolved, you think it's going to challenge you for dominance?

Well then...thank you for the heads up.  Give me one minute, please?

That should be far enough.  Electabuzz, keep on the lookout.  Okay, Jess! You can let your dog out!

It looks like there's smoke rising from the road.  That must be the Houndoom.  I don't like that there's already--

Something moved on that rock! Electabuzz, battle-ready! Pokedex, what was that?!

POKEDEX:   Helioptile, the electric-lizard Pokemon--

Hold on...that thing's an Electric-type?! I've never even heard of it before! I sure as hell didn't expect to encounter an Electric-type in the desert! You, my friend, are gonna get drafted to Team Cedar! Electabuzz, Quick Attack!

Wow! Oh god! That's a lot more powerful than it was when you were little!

ELECTABUZZ:   Oh, this feels gooood--!

Why is the air moving? What is it doing? I don't like this! I'm throwing the ball!




...caught! Alright! I'm gonna check you out once we get a moment of peace and quite--

Oh, hi Jess.  Did everything--?

TOM:   I assume things went well? I gonna have to do this with mine?

JESS:   Well, you've had Elekid since it was a baby, so--

TOM:   No, no...when my Houndour evolves, I mean--

JESS:   Oh! OH....I mean...maybe? Mine was a runt, so I figured I would have to, but yours...I dunno.

TOM:   ...great.

Looks like we arrived just in time; it's just about getting dark now.

Man, this place is spooky as hell with all the lights out--KEVIN IF YOU ARE IN HERE YOU BETTER NOT SNEAK UP ON US YOU SON OF A--!

Oh, hey there, officer! Just passing through.  We know something's going on in town, but we're looking to solve that little problem.

Yeah, something happening at the power plant.  Where is it?

Center of town, off to the side on the plateau? Great.  And the Pokemon Center?

Of course, dead center of town.  Thank you kindly.  We'll be careful.

Well, that's definitely the power plant...but all that visual electrical disturbance...looks almost like the night I found Elekid--

If it's that bird...

What, Jess? Right! Healing the Pokemon! Good idea.  Yeah, we need to do that,

At least their back-up power isn't fluctuating.  They seem to be pretty constant.

There is a lot of people in here, and they all look really worried.  Come one, Jess.  Let's heal up and then we'll come up with a plan of attack.

Hmm...internet is down, but Pokemon and item storage is still operational.  That's good.  Let's see...we're going into a power plant, so I can't bring the same team I prepared for a desert.

I'll keep Electabuzz...but who else?

Joltik is small and can be used to power small electronics or fit into tighter spaces, so he'll come.  I'll need a small fella that can get to places that are hard to reach, but being a Flying-type is gonna be dangerous in there.  I'll bring Emolga, since he's small enough and won't take too much damage from Electric-type attacks.

If I need to rewire anything, or if I need to deal some damage to a wide number of Electric-types at once, I should bring Sandshrew as a ground...and Jolteon, since it knows Synchronoise--and actually, there are probably going to be plenty of Steel-types in there, too.  Houndour could use some exercise, and he won't take a lot of damage from any Zoroark if they pop up with a Dark-type attack.

That should be good, at least for a recon-team.  When I figure out what's in that plant, I'll be able to plan with greater efficiency.

Jess, what have you learned from Nurse Joy?

The power's been out for a solid two days, but it's been fluctuating for a week?! That means Doc got hit while we were still investigating Tyre's house! They're moving very quickly through the region; they're probably already in Seraph.  Where is Doc?

Hasn't been seen for the better part of the week...probably locked himself in the plant to try and contain the problem.  How do we get in?

NURSE JOY:   The gym's been locked down.  The front door is sealed with solid metal doors, and the back door leads up to the Frozen Plateau, but you can only get to that door if you're already inside the building.

JESS:   What about the roof? Can we climb through that way?

HIKER:   Tried that a few days ago; roof vents are locked down, too.

JESS:   Okay, so we break in and turn the power back on?

NERD:   The power being off isn't the problem! I suspect that the power is on, but there's a tremendous disturbance that's making all the systems go haywire.

JESS:   Well, we don't have time to discuss all the different whack-job theories--

TOM:   No, Jess...I think he's onto something.  How would the doors lock down an stay locked if the power was off? The power is still on.

JESS:   So how do we get inside?

TOM:   I'm working on that right now--and as a matter of fact, you gave me the tool I need to get through that door!

JESS:   ...Synchronoise?

TOM:   If Jolteon can hit every Electric-type within earshot, it might work as an electromagnetic pulse on certain machines, and then I can rewire the doors manually and open the doors! Plus, she should help take out any rogue Electric-types we find in the plant...and if it's not an Electric-type causing the disturbance, my money's on a Steel-type, and we have the fire-dogs for that.

JESS:   Alright, let's go--

TOM:   Not yet.  I want to see if there's a worker who made it out of the power plant before the lock-down.  I don't plan on going in there without a building layout or an idea as to what's in there.  Nurse Joy, have any plant workers made it out?

NURSE JOY:   Well, there's one in the back room, but she's not in very good health.

TOM:   We'd like to speak with her, please.

JESS:   Tom, I'm impressed.  That may have been the smartest thing I've ever heard you say.

TOM:   Problems with a power plant? Jess, I'm in my element.

TOM:   ...okay, let's not negate my recent intelligence because I accidentally made a pun.

JESS:   Well, let's talk to this girl, then! looks like quite a few people here have gotten injured recently--

But that's clearly a scientist lab-coat! That's her, with the broken leg--

Jess, I don't know if Wish is going to work here.  This injury is major structural damage.

JESS:   Miss, what happened to you?

WORKER:   ...something...I don't--

JESS:   Maybe you should talk to her, Tom.

TOM:   Miss, my name is Tom Cedar.  I'm a former electrical engineer from the Kanto Power Plant.  I'm here to help you.  Can you remember anything? Anything strange from inside the plant?

WORKER:   Everything was strange...everything...

NURSE JOY:   She's suffered a concussion, Mr. Cedar.

TOM:   I know this is difficult, but I need you to focus for me.  Start at the very beginning.  When did things start to become abnormal?

WORKER:   I took a boat...a small boat and a plane...I was reporting for work--where is my Marill?

NURSE JOY:   Easy, Sam.  Your Marill is right here.

JESS:   I'm gonna have Soot talk to the Marill.

TOM:   Sam? Your name is Sam? Calm down, your Marill is just fine.

NURSE JOY:   I don't know what's going on in there, but Marcus, the gym leader out in Seraph seems to think everything is fine, and that Doc is just conducting some experiments.

JESS:   Well, Marcus is a dick!

TOM:   You know him?

JESS:   He runs the Dark-type gym.  Some people who train Dark-types...take some of the darkness into themselves...and he's one of those assholes.

TOM:  ...okay? What has Soot found out from the Marill?

JESS:   I...have no idea.

TOM:   Okay. do I reactivate the communications array? We need to warn everyone--

SAM:   I...I don't know...only there for a few days...

TOM:   That's fine.  Where is it?

SAM:   In the Doc's computers--

TOM:  Okay, I've got what I need for a plan.

JESS:   What is the plan?

TOM:   Recon and comm; we need to investigate the plant and find the communications array, find a way to send a message out to everyone about what's going on, then we get out of there and await reinforcements.  If things get hairy in there, we both have one Escape Rope left apiece from the desert.  That's our emergency bug-out.

JESS:   Sounds good.

TOM:   Sam...before we go, do you remember any Pokemon from inside the plant? Any ones that weren't supposed to be there?

SAM: fast--

TOM:   Shit! We're talking foxes here! One second!

Aaaand we're swapping Sandshrew for Gliscor.  Gonna need some Brick Break and some Fury Cutter up in here.

JESS:   You ready?

TOM: is Mewtwo able to control these Dark-types? I thought they were immune to Psychic-types.  If these are tamed Pokemon, could he be controlling their trainers? If so, that's really not good.

JESS:   I have no idea, but we are dealing with a legendary Psychic-type.

TOM:   What can we do to stop something like that, that can overpower type-immunity?

JESS:   Well, there are only two legendary Dark-types that I know of, and they're really illusive.

TOM:   I mean, I don't know about anything outside of what everyone's discussed about legendary Pokemon.  Maybe Nurse Joy knows something?

JESS:   Nurse Joy! There's a pack of Zoroark who are attacking gym leaders all over the region and are being controlled by Mewtwo, but can you think of how a Psychic-type can mentally-control Dark-type Pokemon?

NURSE JOY:   ...

TOM:   Let's...just go, Jess.  These mortals are in over their heads.

JESS:   If these things are wild, I'm catching one.  That should take one out of the picture at least.

TOM:   And if they're trained--?

JESS:   I'm gonna kill 'em.

TOM:   ...

JESS:   ...what--?

TOM:   Nothing.  I'm actually on-board for that plan.

JESS:   Dark-type trainer, you know?

TOM:   ...yeah, let's go with that.

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