Friday, March 22, 2013

Isis: Where Dreamers Dream and Explosions Explode

Where are you, Arturo? It could take ages to try to find him in this city...

"The City of Isis: Where Dreamers Dream"

Okay, that's...that's a weird sort of sign to have--

Is that a castle? In the middle of a metropolis? Hold on...if the Chloris gym was a Ground-type gym and it looked like a farm, and the Isis gym is a Dragon-type gym...then it should look like a castle! That's probably the gym!

"Gym Leader: Prodiga, the Hatchling Who Will Rule"

I'm fairly certain that's enough to conclude that this is definitely the Dragon-type gym-- the...weren't you just in Chloris?

You get around.  Of course you do.  Say, is the gym leader in?

Oh, she's out helping rebuild houses and quell some rioting in another part of town? Well...alright then. Maybe I should head down there and help her out.  By the way, if you happen to see Arturo Stone come by here, let him know I was here looking for him and tell him where I went--

Ugh, what am I doing?! I completely forgot! Excuse me, but where is the nearest electronics store?

That way? Great.  If you see him, tell him I went there.

It doesn't seem very difficult to navigate in this big city.  I just need to keep my head about me and--

Was...was that an explosion over there by the stadium?!  Nope...I'm not checking anything out until I get myself an Xtransceiver.

The Electro-Mart.  That seems like the place.  Hey, they've even got a neon Electabuzz sign in the window...and an Elekid on their television--!


Elekid and Electabuzz look awfully similar.  Let me just check something...

Elekid evolves into Electabuzz?! How did I not research this before?! Wow, so there must have been more Elekids at the Power Plant, since there were definitely Electabuzzes--


Oh...oh, it's a cardboard cut-out.  Great.  I'll just...I'm just gonna pretend that no one saw that.

Excuse me, sir.  I'm looking into buying an Xtransceiver.  I saw on your sign that you do trade-ins, so I'd like to look at your pre-owned models, please.

Wow, you have a lot of stuff here.  I, uh...I really just need a phone.  Preferably something waterproof--

What? Is there something behind me? Some suspicious guy in the park? Okay...I mean, I don't need it to be waterproof, but it would be a nice feature--

What?! What is going on behind me?! The guy again? What exactly is he--? Screw it.  How much for this model here?

$3000.  Okay.  Do you have anything for around $800? Even amongst the used models? What about a broken one? I can probably fix a broken one.

Okay, that's a little too broken.  What's the lowest price you can offer me for a used model that actually works?

$1500.  I'll tell you what...I'll be back in about an hour or so.

Okay...I need to earn $700 in a hurry.  There seem to be trainers all around here.


OOF! Jeez, I didn't know people were that eager to--

Jess?! What are you doing here?

Oh...the bird's gone haywire, huh? He stole your badge and he's not listening to you? Hmm...let me try something.

Let's see...water bottle...water bottle...ah ha! Here we go!

Now, let me just spray a little of the PokeLure in here...there! Hey, Roses! Come here, birdie! Come get the nice smelly bottle!

There we go.  Problem solved.  You may wish to call your Murkrow back, Jess.  Now, let me just cap this bottle so we don't cause an international incident here.  Say, have you seen Arturo? No? Do you have his phone number? No? Damn it.

Well, I'm trying to buy a phone, but I'm short $700, so I'm out here trying to battle for--

No, I couldn't possibly accept that much money from you! It's fine, I can probably earn it in just a few hours.  No, don't worry about it--

If you're that insistent, let me put two more spritzes into that bottle, then you can hold onto that.  Believe me, once you figure out what that is, we'll be square.  I can't just accept the money and not give you anything.

Hello, sir.  I'm back and I have a funder to help me buy the phone--

What? Oh, no, she's not my daughter--

No! She's not my girlfriend! I'm old enough to be her father! She's just a friend!

Well...a 12 year old model is still a working model, so I'll take it.  I've only got $45 to my name now, but at least I have a phone! Lemme just register all these numbers I have scrawled on napkins and bits of paper here...Jess, walk with me and talk with me while I do this.

What I sprayed into that bottle is not actually potion.  Think of it as the anti-Repel formula, and it's a recipe of my own design.  You just put a few drops somewhere and watch Pokemon flock to that location.  You can try it out at the park if you'd like--

Ow, jeez, watch where you're going, guy--!

Wait...I think that's the guy the clerk was watching when I went into the store the first time.

Okay, you send Umbreon over there to check stuff out.  While we wait for it to come back, try the PokeLure on the sidewalk.  Now...stand back and look at the Pokemon that were battling over there:

Do you see how quickly they come?! I'm going to make millions off of this--!

Oh, Umbreon's back already.  What's it saying?

Follow it? Into that dark alley? may not want to go there alone.  I'll head down there, too...just in case something goes wrong.

What is this place? It says "Pokemon Daycare" on that sign, but it looks more like a Pokemon refugee camp.  It just seems like there are too many Pokemon here to be safe for them if this is just a daycare.  Where is the person running this thing? Excuse me, sir--

That's the trench-coat guy from before...and he looks angry--

He's releasing a Pokemon--?!

Voltorb! Gotta think fast before this thing blows!

*Points PokeLure at man*

TOM:   Call it back or things are going to get real ugly for you!

MAN:   Too late...


(One of these days, I would like to follow plot in a tabletop RPG where my character's life and death  do not hang in the balance while I roll a reflex save of some kind to avoid an explosion at point-blank range.  Just once, I would to take steps in progressing a plot where very little, if anything, explodes.  I know this will never happen, but sometimes, we all need to dream...)

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