Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kick It! Kick It Again!

Okay...before we get into this, we should determine how we want to do this.  Since this is just for strengthening our Pokemon, we don't need to wager anything on this battle, but we should still go over the ground rules.  Do you want to do a one-on-one, a double battle--?

Say, how many Pokemon do you actually have to battle with?

Two? Huh...I could have sworn she had more.

So, you want to do a double battle? Okay, if you want to throw down both of your Pokemon, that's fine with me.  Give me just a minute to pick my two.

Well, I can see her Umbreon, and I know she was using her Murkrow to try to locate some stuff in the that should be her two, right? Well, Elekid would make short work of Murkrow, since it knows Electric-type and Ice-type attacks, and Low Kick should really pack a punch against Umbreon, so I'll use him.  Pidgey and Gligar won't be the right choices for this battle, and Pinsir's Seismic Toss isn't strong enough to make a good case for her.  I should really use Slakoth or Munchlax in battle, since they're pretty weak by comparison to the rest of my Pokemon...

Slakoth knows Yawn, and if he uses that on Umbreon, I can put it to sleep and focus on Murkrow, and since Elekid won't take too long in taking him out, I can double-team Umbreon! Yeah, that's the way to do it!

Okay, I'm ready! Call them out, Jess!

I bet you didn't expect me to call Slakoth out, huh? Who did you--?

Larvitar? I thought she said she only had two Pokemon...

Or did she mean two other Pokemon besides Umbreon?  When did she catch a--?

Wait a minute...I remember--

Oh God, what have we done?!?!

Elekid, we are not turning this into a grudge match! Use Low Kick and take that Larvitar out now--!

No I'm not gonna shatter your Larvitar, Jess.  Relax.  Just kick it and knock it out!

Alright, great! Just look out for--

Jesus, Elekid, are you alright?! That look like it hurt.  Slakoth, get in there! Use Yawn!

You...yeah.  Good job.  Elekid! Kick it! Kick it hard!

Come, Umbreon...sleep! Sleep...




Yeah! Kick it again! Kick it again! Slakoth, scratch it up!

That's more like it! But man, this thing won't stay down--

It's getting up! KICK IT! KICK IT AGAIN!!!!

Alright, we won! Great job, guys!

Jess, that was an awesome battle...but I hope you'll forgive me for what I'm about to do.

That's right, folks! If you want strong Pokemon or just that little extra of an edge over your opponent, head on over to the Pawn-iard Shop for some great deals on some fabulous items! Tell them Tom sent ya!

I am so sorry about that.  I sort of have to sell this place.

You know, I completely forgot you had Larvitar.  I called out Elekid in case you wanted to use your Murkrow; I didn't want Elekid and Larvitar to fight so soon.

Agreed.  They should stay as far away from each other as possible.  Maybe if you battled it a little more, it would be a bit calmer.  Would you like to try again when you get them healed? I can use different Pokemon--

Say, I just had a thought.  You catch Dark-type Pokemon, right? Well, a cop told me that the fish that attacked me in that lake were Carvanha, a Dark-type Pokemon.  And remember how you we were talking about how there might be something in the Earthen Cavern that someone doesn't want us to find, and that's why it's so dangerous?

That's right! The safest place to keep a valuable object in that cave would be in that lake! What if you caught a Carvanha? That way, you'd have a Water-type Pokemon as well as another Dark-type, and we could use that Pokemon to swim alongside his friends and relatives safely and search the lake for anything out of the ordinary!

You're right, we would benefit from having Kevin and Arturo helping out with the search.  Well, let's heal our Pokemon and find out how they feel about the idea.

Say, what happens when you catch more than six Pokemon? Do you have to release one, or do you hold onto it and just kind of ignore it, or what?

A PC account? You can store them in the internet? Does that hurt?

No, I imagine if your Dad keeps most of his Eevee's in the computer, it must not be so bad.  Is that where you got your Eevee from?

So you knew your Eevee for a long time, huh?

That's why your Eevee evolved into an Umbreon when it saw you? Because it was really happy--?

Hey wait!

My Munchlax is supposed to evolve when it's really happy, too! A Snorlax would probably be really helpful in checking out that cave!

No, I can't force it to be happy, but I bet you I could make it really happy here; if there's one thing I know my Munchlax likes, it's food, and what does this town have?

A fresh produce farmer's market!

Arturo! Heal up your Pokemon and come with me! Bring your Munchlax.

I have an idea...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm Gonna Pop Some Tags

The leg is all wrapped up, but man, does this still hurt.  I just hope the others managed to get through the cave safely.

Hey look, there's some more injured people coming in!

Well...of course.  Alright, let's share the war stories, folks.  What're ya in for?

Holy hell, you guys caused a cave-in?! How?

Oh...wait, you mean you tried to take down that dirt wall? With Shieldon's Fissure?! I hate to say it, but I'm glad it happened to you.  I was chiseling away at that wall with all of my Pokemon and if I succeeded, probably no one would have found me and I'd be dead.  I mean, I'm really glad you guys are okay...but that could have been me and I may not have been so lucky.

I think we need to talk about this cave, though.  There's these constructed walls to make the paths more winding, they're dangerous Pokemon in there, and someone or something was clogging up the natural skylights that illuminated the cave's tunnels.  If this cave was the only way to get through Cythos, I'd say someone was trying to keep people from traveling between the north and the south.  I mean, if that were the case though, and the water damage on Route 3 was also a part of this plan, why wouldn't they just block off the caves? Why bother just making it more dangerous?

That is, of course, unless there's something in the caves that those people don't want us to find.  Now, I don't know what it could be or whether or not this is actually connected to the S.S. Anne sinking, but what I do know is that someone or something does not want travelers in the Earthen Cavern.  I'm not saying we should go in there and investigate it right this very moment, but I think we should at least let the right people know about this and maybe, if we are prepared enough and come up with a good plan, we can try to solve this mystery.

Jess, you may want to call your Uncle Hitch and see if he, his Graveler, and any other trainers he might know with equally-qualified Pokemon can help clear up the caves on the northern side; I did some work clearing up those skylights, so if a Gligar can manage, a Graveler would be invaluable.  Arturo, you should probably get on the horn and call Professor Cherry to let him know what's been going on, what we're all discussing, and what he might think on the idea.  As for me...

I should probably get me a friggin' phone, or X-Tranceiver, or whatever you call it.  Say, isn't there a big farmer's market in town? Perhaps they've got some good stuff, maybe even some items that could help make our Pokemon stronger.  I mean, my leg's not in any shape to go there right now, but--

Your Umbreon can heal people, Jess? Would you...would you mind?

Alright! That's a lot better.  So, now we just--

Where the hell did Kevin go? We should probably find him before going out into those caves again.  Maybe he went to the farmer's market...we could look for him there, and it wouldn't hurt to just browse a little, too.

Let's go pop some tags.

Let's see what kind of stuff this market has to offer...

Hmm, herbs that help heal Pokemon...but the Pokemon hate them.  I mean, maybe for Pidgey, but--

Nah, you know what? I'm good.

Let's see...OH! Second-hand clothes! Well, my jacket is pretty torn, and it's not very effective if I get it wet, so let's see what they have in stock that's light, waterproof, but also keeps me warm and looks stylish for an affordable price.

Say, this one looks nice...and it's pretty comfy, too.

Yeah, lookin' good! Alright, back to perusing...

RARECHLORISSPECIALTYHONEYCANDIES...I'm assuming that's all one word, since that's how it's written on the signs.  Say, maybe they're like Rare Candies and can increase a Pokemon's power!

...but for $1000 bucks a pop, that is not happening.

Let's just--

Hold on...are they selling Pokemon over there?!?! I am definitely going to look to see what they've got in stock!

Oh, would you look at this little guy! He's adorable! Look at him with his wee little ball and his little springy-butt!

Spoink...Psychic-type...over $7000.  Yeah, no thank you--

D'aww, would you look at that little fella! He's so fluffy I'm gonna die! With his little dingle-dang little feet and his boopy little tail!

Mareep...and he's an Electric-type! Oh, I bet he and Elekid would get along great--! soon as I find a cheaper way to get him than shelling out $9000.  I mean, you can't just dangle adorable Pokemon out there for us and then keep them completely out of our price range; that seems so cruel to us.  Well, I just have to try not to fall in love with--



And it's a Fire-type! That's got to be really hard to come by, since I never really saw too many Fire-types back in Kanto.

Torchic...aww, even the name is cute...

$15,000?!?! Fuck you, vendors! Fuck you!

Soon, though...soon.

Say, what's over here?

The Pawn-iard Shop.  Huh...interesting.  Hey sir, what is all this?

So, these are items a Pokemon can hold or wear and they'll get special abilities from it? Like what?

Okay...a spiky helmet that hurts other Pokemon when they try to attack, a ball of string that helps attract an opponent's Pokemon if it attracts yours, a balloon that makes your Pokemon know, these all seem very weird--

Wait a minute.  That balloon makes Pokemon float? So...hypothetically speaking...if a Pokemon were to attack a Pokemon holding this balloon with a Ground-type attack...they wouldn't be affected? And Chloris's gym leader is a Ground-type trainer, yes?

I'll take it!

What else have you got?

Hmm...okay.  You've got a used battery, a rubber band, a boxing glove on a spring, what looks like the fallen off tail of an Onix, a target to put on your Pokemon that makes it easier to hit...and a tooth that you don't know what it does--

You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were selling random junk to unsuspecting trainers.  Hold on...I'm gonna test this out.  Elekid, come on out and hold this balloon.

Okay, he floats...but still, how can you expect to sell this stuff if you don't know what they even do? I mean, if certain objects do things for Pokemon and you don't even know what these things are, then how can you give any sort of assurance that what you're selling is legitimate?

Here's an example: my Gligar needs a specific kind of tooth to evolve.  You've got a tooth there.  Maybe I don't know what tooth exactly my Gligar needs, but I ask you about this one ignorantly.  Are you gonna tell me that this one will evolve my Gligar to make a quick buck? You seem to have a collection of teeth and claws here; how do you even know which one is which?

My Pokedex says I need something called a Razor Fang, and this is what it looks like.  Do you have something like that?

That does look like what I'm looking for, but you can't offer me any sort of assurance of product, can you? I mean, I can just have my Elekid hold the balloon to see if he floats or not, but I can't just give this to Gligar and expect it to evolve immediately, and if it does, why would I want to buy it after I "tested" it? So, I'll make you a deal: you want $1000 for this, which is pretty steep considering you don't quite know what it is, but I can afford it.  However, I'm not just gonna buy it at full price to get screwed over and have you tell me there are no refunds.  So, I'll give you $400 now, and $800 if and when my Gligar evolves.  How does that sound?

You want $600 now, $500 later? You're breaking my balls here, especially considering the other crap you--

Say...what sort of process did you have to go through to get this shop? You needed a permit, probably. Was it just paperwork, or did you have to show someone what you were intending on selling?

Your brother and sister took care of all that? So it's their store, essentially.  And you're just helping out by selling your stuff here, too? Who authorized that?

Tara the gym leader, huh? So, she's okay with you selling rubber bands and used "rechargeable" batteries along with all this other junk?

She is, huh? What's your name?

Jamarcus? Okay then, Jamarcus  So, if I march up there to the gym and ask Tara about Jamarcus, she's gonna tell me that she's okay with you selling rubber bands and batteries? Is she gonna tell me about how good your rubber bands are, or is she going to get upset that you're trying to pass this junk off as valuable items for Pokemon?

Hey, I know you're trying to help your family out by selling this stuff, and I know the value of earning a living.  Believe me, I do.  But you can't just sell anything without merchant knowledge.  If I wanted to buy that rubber band, I'd expect you to know everything there is about that rubber band so you could answer any questions I might have about it.  And hey, some of this stuff looks really good.  Maybe you just need a little boost for your business and that may help you get more reliable merchandise.

I have another deal for you: I just bought this jacket from the store over there and it's basically a blank canvas--

Wait...what do you mean this was your sister's jacket? You mean it's because I bought it from her, right?

She...she used to wear it? This is a woman's jacket?!


Anyway, if this was your sister's jacket, then chances are, she would know how to alter it.  I noticed that you don't have anything other than this one little sign that even tells you what the name of this shop is.  How do you publicize your store? How do you get the word out to other cities about your merchandise? How do you attract customers? You see, a small business that is just starting out needs to think about these kinds of things.  Now, let's say I gave you this jacket to write on it an advertisement for your store; you include your store's name, location, and phone number so that people know there's a shop out there that sells the kinds of stuff you sell.  I'm a Pokemon trainer, so I'm going to be traveling from town to town, battling trainers and gym leaders, and they're gonna see this jacket and be curious.  I already bought the balloon, but maybe if I had more merchandise...that fang, for example, and I show them my Gligar all evolved and whatnot, they're gonna not only want to come to Chloris to buy your merchandise, but they'll know that what you're selling is honest.  All I ask is the fang in return for advertising space on my coat.  The price of one fang for a roaming, interactive billboard for your store...and who knows, if more people show up, maybe they'll want Pawn-iard Shop clothes, too! What do you say? Care to go into advertising?

You will?! Fantastic! Here's the jacket...come up with a design or logo or whatever, give it back to me with the fang, and I'll wear this all around Cythos.

Jess...I think I may have just gotten my first sponsorship as a Pokemon trainer! Granted, they aren't giving me steady money, per se, but I'm getting a fang that should cause my Gligar to evolve under the right conditions for the price of advertising space on my new jacket! I mean, if this works out, I could probably convince them to give me more merchandise, or even money, just to get training Pokemon and spreading the word about their store!

Yes, I know he was selling rubber bands and batteries, but what harm does this do me in the long run? So they get to write on my jacket.  Big deal! I still get the fang out of the offer for no monetary cost, and even if it's a dud, the jacket is second-hand; I mean, it's not like they're going to butcher the logo or something--

Ah, speak of the devil! It's ready! Feast your eyes on--

Are...are you guys...happy with this design?

You are?! I mean, it looks...great...for a prototype.  Hey, everyone needs to start somewhere, right? Well, if this attracts a lot of new business, maybe you can invest in some professionally-made and designed jackets, shirts, bags, the whole nine yards and really grab people's attention.  I mean, black on black doesn't really stand out a whole lot, and it's kind of sloppy, but it'll certainly do the job...I hope.

Well, let me give you Jess's phone number so you can contact her in case you want to continue doing business with me, maybe even investing a little more in your advertising and a fabric marker on a jacket.  We'll keep in touch!


... least the damn tooth was free.

Hey look, Arturo's in a Pokemon battle over there.  You know, battling someone right now might not be such a bad idea.  It'll help our Pokemon get stronger so they can take on the Earthen Cavern with greater ease.  We just need to find trainers to...

Why are you looking at me like that?




Welcome To Chloris...Show Me Your Papers

Chloris...the supposed land of milk and honey.  Well, let's see about that.

Oh...hey there, stranger.  Yes, I'm hurt.  Stay out of the lake in the Earthen Cavern or this will happen to you, too.  Yeah, I could use some help getting into town, thank you--

Oh, well, I mean if you've got stuff you have to do, that's fine.  Don't worry about it.

Your friend might be able to help? That's great.  Where is he?

...I'd rather lose the damned leg, thank you very much.

He's headed to the Pokemon Center? Great.  I'm heading anywhere but there.

Let's see...gotta find a hospital...

Excuse me, sir, but could you point me to a doctor--?

No, not the Pokemon Center.  My leg is bleeding.  I need a people doctor.  Do I look like a Pokemon to you--?

I am not going to see Nurse Joy! She's a nurse! She's a glorified veterinarian! I want a Doctor Joy that knows how to prescribe antibiotics and keep this thing from going sceptic--!

Look, do you have a doctor here in this town or not?! The more time you waste, the more blood I lose! Answer me!! don't.  Okay, that's just great.  Where is the nearest people doctor--?

Alright, I'm sorry I yelled at you.  Just calm down.  Breathe.  Take deeps breaths and just tell me--

I'll go to the fucking Pokemon Center.  Thanks.  God, the people in this town--!

Oh...hello there, officer.  Can I help you?

Yeah, I just came from the Earthen Cavern.  I fell in the lake and got attacked by these nasty little fish.  I need a doctor--

Umm...well, I came here mainly for the Pokemon Gym.  I heard there was one in this town--

I'm sorry, but is there some kind of problem?

No, this is my first time in Chloris.  I don't want this to seem rude, but do you ask this of everyone who comes through here...or am I just special?

Theft? No, I've never even seen the Poke-Mart here--

A man in all black robbed the Poke-Mart?! Wait a minute...he didn't have long hair and a Litwick, did he?

No, it's not him? Short black hair? Yea, I saw him head towards the cave, but I don't know what that has to do with me.

His what?! Accomplice?!?! Where did you get that idea--?!  He wouldn't.  There's no way.  He just wouldn't.




He fucking would!

Officer, did you just come from the Pokemon Center? Okay, now...did you get my description from the people at the Poke-Mart or did you get it from someone in the Pokemon Center? A guy close to my height, long brown hair, black trench-coat and sandals? That's what I thought.

Okay Tom...stay calm.  You have Josh right where you want him on this little issue.  Just be careful; we don't want to upset any more police officers, now do we? Nice and slowly now...

Officer, let me explain.  I have numerous witnesses that I might call upon to verify that I was nowhere near the Poke-Mart at the time of the robbery.  Officer, I'm afraid you've been deceived.  I believe that I am being targeted by a member of Team Rocket who has just travelled into this town, the very same man who gave you my description.  I think this may be some ploy to either steal my Pinsir or--

He mentioned the Pinsir now, did he? Well, allow me to clarify some facts.  We were traveling together , along with several others, on our way to the Citadel Mountain mines in order to catch some Pokemon.  On the way there, we encountered a Pinsir which I had battled with my Pidgey.  Josh, the individual in question, threw an Ultra Ball and caught the Pinsir right out from under me.  That's why his name will appear under the original trainer ID.  However, we held a tournament for the Pinsir, which I won fair and square and claimed ownership of the Pokemon.  Witnesses to this arrangement from first encounter with the Pinsir to resolution are Kevin Adams, a fellow Pokemon trainer, Arturo Stone, brother of Steven Stone and son of the President of the Devon Corporation, and Hitch, the guide who not only lead our little expedition, but officiated and refereed the tournament.  I'm sure Professor Cherry of Herne would corroborate my--

You know Hitch? Well, call him up and hear it straight from the horse's mouth!

He corroborated my story, didn't he? No, it's not your fault, officer.  You were just doing your job.

Why, yes I will come with you to the Pokemon Center to confront this individual.

Yes, officer...that's him.  Tell me, what is the punishment in Cythos for filing a false police report?

Taking half of their money as restitution? I'll take it. take a quarter of that for the state? Screw it, I'll still take it.

That's it, Tom...that's how you're gonna beat them.  Keep calm and carry on.  Stay smarter than everyone else and you'll run circles around them.

That's right, Josh.  Sulk away.  Go crawl back into the hole you--

Wow, I'm still losing blood.  NURSE!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Not Today...


No, this is not how it's going to end.  I've been through too much, I've come too far to die in a dark cave at the hands of some fish! Elekid, punt this fish off of my leg before it causes any more damage! Pidgey, hang in there! I'm coming! I just have to...lift myself...out of the water...

Gah, this jacket is heavy! When I get out of here, I'm buying a coat that doesn't absorb water!

Just...a little...more...

AHHH! I'm out! Pidgey, Elekid! Return!

We did it...we're safe now...

...but we're not done here just yet.  Pidgey and Elekid...come back out.  Pidgey, I want you to watch this; I think you'll enjoy this.  Elekid, I think you know what to do.

Haha! You're not so tough now that we're out of water, are you?! Elekid, again!

You try to kill me and you think I'm just going to let you off the hook?! Elekid, again!

Do you feel that? The despair? The creeping cold? That's death, calling for you.


Now, Pidgey, bring the bodies on shore.  Pinsir, look: unconscious Pokemon! Throw 'em, girl! Throw 'em against the rock walls!

Good girl! Do me a favor and cut off a ribbon of fabric from my jacket so I can make myself a bandage? Good girl.  Now, everyone return...this I don't want you to see.

Munchlax, come on out here.

Hey Munchlax, look...fried fish.  Help yourself.

MUNCHLAX:   ...thank you.

I...I don't feel good about doing this, but this is the nature of survival in the wild.  Things try to kill each other.  The fish failed.  I succeeded.  It's as simple as that.

Still...this is some fucked up, repugnant shit right here--

No! They tried to eat me! Munchlax ate them! Munchlax doesn't feel bad about this! He's a blissfully happy little dope-ass!

But...I ordered Elekid to kill those fish.  He must feel terrible about that, especially after the whole issue with Jess's Larvitar.

Jesus...the life of a Pokemon trainer is a lot darker than they make it on television.  I just hope Cole hasn't had to go through the shit I've had to trying to be a trainer--

Wait a second...

...there was another path? THERE WAS ANOTHER PATH?!?!?!? Are you telling me I didn't even have to deal with those fish in the first place?!

My hurts...I just...ugh...

There better be a fucking hospital in this town.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Heart of Darkness

Alright.  I have a complaint for the Cythos Department of Transportation.  This is Route 1.  This is a very nice road.  It's well maintained and very scenic.  But I would like to know...

...why this is considered the "safest route" to Chloris by every law enforcement officer I've met.  Someone's already been attacked in these supposedly well-lit tunnels, and I am not about to take any chances.  Something went wrong here and I'm not taking another step until I know what that was and how to fix it.

Let's see...there doesn't seem to be any kind of lighting fixtures, so it isn't an electrical problem...

Hello, what's all this then?

This looks like some kind of skylight, but it's been packed in with dirt.  I bet if I can jostle the crud loose, the cave will illuminate.  Gligar, come on out here!

Gligar, attack that dirt!

Yes, I'm aware that this is a rather unusually request, but you can fly and dig fairly easily, so you're a better option than Pidgey for this.  Besides, it will all become clear to you very soon.

That's better! Alright, now we know how to approach this cave--

Did you just hear something?

Elekid, come out here for a minute and just be ready for some nonsense--

Here comes the nonsense! Gligar, grab that thing! Elekid, use Thundershock on Gligar!

You're not very trusting, are you? You'll be fine, now go!

There we go! The bat is unconscious and you don't have a scratch on you, Gligar.  You're going to be very important once we hit the Electric-type gym in Mastam City.  Now...what to do with the body.  I don't want it waking up and causing trouble.  I know!

Pinsir, I want you to stay out with Gligar and Elekid for damage control.  If you see a fainted Pokemon, you throw it as far away as you can.  Teamwork, you understand?

That's...that's showing a lot of initiative, Pinsir.  Also, you don't have to throw them against the stone walls.  You could just throw them down the tunnel away from us--

Or just keep doing what you're doing.  Whatever.  I don't mind.  Good job?

Alright, let's just keep our eyes open--

Pinsir, you don't have to throw everything you see.  Just unconscious Pokemon.  Leave that rock--

Oh.  I see.  Well...good work.

This Geodude looks pretty badly burned.  It must have been in battle with a powerful Fire-type, but Fire-types don't usually live in caves--

Wait a second...there's scorching all over the place here.

Damn! He must be headed to Chloris, too! Ugh, no matter.  Slow and steady through this cave and we won't have to worry about that asshole.  Let's keep moving.  Elekid, keep the Flash up so we can spot those skylights.

There are a few more in this room, Gligar.  Let's loosen that dirt up--

Gligar, what's the matter? Did you get hit by something? Everyone on full alert, we're not alone.

What...what is...I don't even...EVERYONE ATTACK THEM! Gligar, grab! Elekid, electrocute! Pinsir,--! just do what you've been doing and we'll all be fine.

You know, it's kind of unsportsmanlike to attack 3-on-2 like this, but then again, this isn't a battle for capturing Pokemon...this is a battle for survival.  However unsportsmanlike this system may be, it works really well.

Great job, everyone! Now, let's--

What have you got there, Gligar?

A TM! Great find, Gligar! Hmm, TM #47, eh? I don't know that one off-hand.  Hell, I don't know any of the TM's off-hand.  Maybe when we get to Chloris, we can look it up.

Okay guys, let's move onto the next room.

Careful, the ground is really soft here and there's a big hole in the middle of the room, so don't fall in.

Odd...this hole seems very round, almost as if it was a burrow, but it's way too big to be that.  I mean, what sort of Pokemon would need a long dirt burrow that snakes through the cave--?

Uh oh.

Oh, shit! I remember hearing stories about this from hikers when I was working back at the Power Plant! If they're in the Rock Tunnel, they're bound to be here in Cythos, too--

I hear rumbling.  Oh lord, this is not good.  This is not good at all! Everybody on full alert! We're gonna have company real soon and it isn't gonna be happy.

The tremors are getting bigger and the rumbling is getting louder! Here it comes...wait for it...


Elekid, use Ice Punch to faze it! Pinsir, use Seismic Toss to get that thing down to our level! Gligar, blind it with Sand-Attack to give us a little more time!

Great job! Let's keep it up--

The Onix is wrapping itself around Pinsir! Tag out, girl! I may need you for later.  Tag in...

Slakoth! I know I don't use you very often, but I'm gonna need you to put that thing to sleep with Yawn.  Can you do that for me--?

Oh...Elekid just knocked the Onix out with a second Ice Punch? Well, it looks like you don't have to really do anything, Slakoth--

Yep, just get that Yawn out of your system.  There you go.  Good boy.

I should probably remember that there are Onixes...Onices...I found an Onix here and there might be more.  Stupid plurals.  Let's go.

Hmm...this tunnel looks different.  It's made out of hard-pact dirt, and I think it's blocking the fastest way out of here.  My Pokemon really don't have the capacity to tunnel through this in the safest or fastest way, so let's move on for now and maybe come back to this later.

Wow, an underground lake! And it looks like there's another tunnel on the other side, but the only way to get across is to swim, apparently.  Well, I'm not about to just dive into the water; it could be dangerous.  Let me just have a little taste of it to see if it's saltwater or freshwater, just in case I need Elekid to Thundershock it--


[Splashed into the lake thanks to a critical failure; whenever I have to roll not to fall, I always fall...this is a fact]

Alright, Tom.  Don't panic.  Yes, the trench-coat is very heavy and it's weighing you down, and your Pokemon can't really help you now, and you just alerted anything in the water to where you are, but nothing is fucked just yet.  Just slowly swim your way back to--

Something bumped my leg.  Something just bumped into my leg! Don't panic.  Whatever you do, don't panic--

There's water stirring and something is coming right for me.  Okay, don't panic...but swim a hell of a lot faster.  Pidgey, get out here!

Pidgey, pump some wind at the water to slow whatever is coming after me!

It's working...but not very well.  Okay, just don't panic.  Don't--



Oh no...this is going to get really bad if I can't get back onto land soon! Pidgey, go after that thing! Use Frustration!

Gligar, you try to knock that thing off of me, too, but stay away from the water!

It's not working! The thing is still clamped on! Gah!

Jeez, this coat is heavy...

And I'm starting to feel really weak...

Come on, Tom, just one swift push and you can reach the shore.

[Whenever I have to roll not to fall, I always fall...this is a fact]

[And apparently, sinking is just falling while underwater]

Okay, Tom.  Now everything is fucked.
