Wednesday, November 19, 2014

In The Making

Hello again, Jim.  Yeah, I come through here a lot.  Trust me, I've got a strategy.

It looked a lot easier to leap to that middle platform from the second ledge than the highest, so I'll take the jump from there--

Wow...I am always leaping over imminent peril, aren't I? I am going to be super disappointed if this journey turns into a series of me jumping over incredibly dangerous things.  Well, at least I've got my glider.

Gliscor, go!

Okay, girl, you know the drill.  Running leap on three...two...ONE--!

(Criticial failure on Acrobatics check)

Shit! My foot slipped! Gliscor, keep steady--!


UGHHH! Gliscor, hold onto the pillar! I'm gonna reach into my jacket, grab Pidgeotto's ball and when he comes out, I'll have him create an updraft and we'll float up.  Okay...I just have to reach into my pocket and--



...I am beginning to think that maybe I don't need this gym badge.

PIDGEOTTO:   Okay, I'm out.  What do you want--where the fuck are you?

GLISCOR:   Pidgeotto! Tom went under! He fell in the rapids!

PIDGEOTTO:   Of COURSE he fucking did.

GLISCOR:   We gotta save him!

PIDGEOTTO:   ...technically, he didn't tell us to do shit, so--





PIDGEOTTO:   ...and we were this fucking close.

GLISCOR:   I got him by the belt!

PIDGEOTTO:   Alright, I'll give you an updraft.

JIM:  You okay there, Champ?

TOM:   Still in the making, Jim.

Fucking hell, I hate this gym.  Okay, so I'm back at the beginning.  You know what? I think I can actually make the jump from here.  Pidgeotto...give me a light updraft, and Gliscor...let's just...let's just not die.

We got across! Holy shit.  I never want to have to do this jump again!, it would appear as though the rest of the way across is a series of small rocky pillars with plenty of room for error.  Fantastic--do I hear laughing?

Oh, so you found that funny, miss? "Not dignified", eh? Elekid, you take this one.  Show her the meaning of grace and agility.

APPRENTICE:   Well, I'm glad you got used to the water...'cause you're going right back in!

A Makuhita! Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea how much trouble your roly-poly little fat-boy is in.  Elekid, zip over to the smaller pillars and zap him from afar with Shock Wave!

That hit him pretty hard, but he's shaking it off.

He's warming up his hands...for what? He's so far away--

He's gonna shockwave clap like the Incredible Hulk! Elekid, brace yourself--!

He's knocked off! Elekid, bounce off the sides of the pillars! Get back up here!

Opa! Like a gymnast, Elekid! Hit him one more time!

BAM! Down goes Makuhita! You see, dear...he's the graceful one.  I'm just the brains behind the--

What'cha got there, fella--?

The Pokedex says you learned "Electro Ball"? Very cool.  Let's see how that works against her--

Hitmonchan.  Well, great new all around.  Okay, Elekid, let's try--!

FUCK! That thing is fast! I didn't even see that punch get cocked! Damn thing traveled near mach speed! We can do this, buddy! Give him a point-blank Electro Ball!

Right in the chest! Alright! We need to slow this thing down...give it a Thunder Wave!

Direct hit! Now, get out of--

...melee range.  Get back up to the pillar! Zip and Shock Wave!

Excellent job! Zip back--


No! He's unconscious and plummeting! He can't bounce back up! Pidgeotto, go!

Pidgeotto, get Elekid back! He'll drown down there in those rapids!

I know he's small, but you've gotta keep your eyes peeled!

Oh, thank goodness you found him.  Alright, well. know what must be done...

...teach them the meaning of fury.

Good god...I've--I've never seen you use this attack since you've evolved.  It''s really disturbing...and brutal.

Good...good job, bird.  Get...get back in the ball.

$800.  Very nice.

APPRENTICE:   Just so you know, we're usually supposed to attack you...but I'll let youd slide 'cause you helped us out of the house.

TOM: bird would have blown you into the next county if you tried that--wait, is that why all of you have been trying to punch me in the face since I've stepped foot in here? Because Tyre ordered you to do that as a part of your position in the gym? Wow...he's kind of a dick.

Okay, I gotta go heal up again.  So...yeah.

JIM:   Wow, you do come through here a lot--

TOM:   I'm still in the making!

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