Thursday, October 30, 2014

Are Ladders Too Complicated?

Hello, Jim.  I'm back for Round 2.

Okay...just gotta climb back up to where I was before and see where I can head to from there.

Well, the path on the left slowly ascends...but there's a central pillar that I might be able to jump to from this height.  I can go that way and climb up the right side, or I can continue up the left.  Considering how tough Tyre might be, I may just want to take on the gym trainers stationed on both paths...but for now, I'll head up the left.  I'll double back to heal, then cross to the right.

I'd rather not have to climb all the way up to the top.  There's got to be an easier way--

Of course.

Gliscor, go!

Make me something easier to climb up, girl.  Make me a tunnel.

That-a-girl! Return...I'm going in.

I bet no one's thought of this yet! That's how you're going to beat them, Tom.  Just gotta keep one step--

...ahead of them.

TOM:   Well...hello there.  You, uh...look upset.

APPRENTICE:   What's the matter? Climbing to tough?

TOM:   No...but are ladders too complicated?

APPRENTICE:   ...get him.

Tom, you miserable idiot! Never provoke a blackbelt! Back down the hole! Pinsir! Nidorino! Dig up and take the fight to them! Pinsir, go after red; Nidorino, after blue.  I'll meet you up there.

I can see the dirt flying up...they must have burst out by now.  Alright, I better get up there and--

Pinsir?! You got thrown back down here? Shit, that means Nidorino is up there alone! Pinsir, dig back up there! Nidorino, stand strong up there! We're coming! Pinsir, go--!

Nidorino! I got you! I got you.  Don't worry, we'll take them out.

Elekid, get out here.

Zip up that hole and shock those bastards back to the Stone Age! I'm coming up right behind you!

There's the comes the thunder.

Looks like Elekid went after the blue one.  Man, these two are hard to take out--Elekid, he's coming back at you with a roundhouse!

Hang in there, buddy! You've taken harder hits before! Shock him down--!

Pinsir, look out! Duck under and counter-grapple! Toss him to the lower level--!

Elekid, blue's not down! Look out! He's coming back--!


Alright, we're through playing games here.  Pidgeotto, go!

Down below! Gust that red bastard 'til he can't stand any longer! Pinsir, clamp down onto the blue one! Squeeze the very life out of him!

There you go! Now squeeze! SQUEEZE!

Great job! One down! Hop down and help out--!

Pidgeotto?! He must have gotten tossed! Reorient yourself or you're going in the drink! Do you hear me?! REORIENT AND ATTACK!

That's my hate-pigeon! Get back in there! Pinsir, hop on down there and squeeze like your life depends on it!

Yes! Now, brace your legs against the cliff! Pidgeotto, he's got nowhere to go! Blow him down!

There...he's down.  We've won.

Another $600.  Thank you, sir.  Not gonna lie, I was not expecting a double battle.

You're...not gonna say anything, huh? Well...that's on you.

I'm...gonna...just go now...and heal--okay, bye.

So...if this gym was laid out like a clock face, I'd say I'm at 9 right now...which would make Tyre at 12 and the jumping platforms in the middle would take me to about 3.  It looks like there's only one more plateau on this side before Tyre, so let's see what this guy has in store for us and then we can try up the right side.

Great...this last stretch is a sheer cliff face.  Fantastic.  Really now, are ladders too complicated for these people?

Well, we've done this before--and hey, there are actual hand-holds, so we're already starting off better than--'am?


Oh, no you don't! You're not the first person who's tried to punch me off a cliff! Let's see how you like it if I pulled you off your perch, you--!

YOW! know pretty effective blocks.  I'll remember--


Alright, lady, are we here to battle Pokemon or are you just content to play punchy-punchy all day?

That's what I thought! Let's do this--

What the hell is that thing? Why is it spinning? Screw it.  Elekid, go.

Thunder Wave.  Stop this thing from spinning.  It unsettles me.

That certainly gotten it disoriented.  Tag out.  The bird will take it from here.  Pidgeotto, do what you do best!

Go! Use--!

Okay, just a kick to the face.  Could have been worse.  Slow that spin down with Gust in opposition to his rotation!

Alright, his muscles locked up and he fell over! Hit him again! Get him spinning in the opposite direction!

Haha! We've got this thing at our mercy--!

Woah! Okay, it knows Quick Attack...but it's stumbling on the recovery! Gust! Always Gust!

Excellent work, bird! At this rate, we'll be--

Pidgeotto! Judo Jane is charging me! Quick, Whirlwind the top into her!

Yeah! Never underestimate the power of the Whirlwind! Knocked you straight on your ass--!

...and into the goddamned rapids OH MY GOD! Why would they put those in here?! This is so dangerous! She could have been--!

Hey, she left $1000.  Damn right, better have my prize money.

Just as I suspected.  The path up leads directly to Tyre.  Sure, the team didn't take too much damage from that fight, but I'm not about to go after the gym leader unless all of my Pokemon are at one-hundred percent.  Whelp...looks like I'm going back down.

There has got to be an easier way to do this.

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