Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's, Uh...It's Exploitable

Hey, Jess.  No, I haven't even gotten to Tyre yet.  Just...just healing the team again.  But hey, I've got $5000 now, and since Arturo put up a lot of money to help get me through this gym, would you mind holding onto this so that if I lose, Tyre doesn't take it from me--?

You're still catatonic, aren't you? Okay then...I'll just...hold onto this, then.  Okay bye!

Now, let's--

Shit, I gotta jump to that center platform all over again, don't I? God.  Damn.  It--

Hey, that wasn't so hard this time.  Cool.  Alright, so let's just keep the hopping going, Gliscor, and let's check out the right path.

Hmm...just a small incline and I'm up to Tyre.  And the only thing left in my path...

...is this guy, leaning against a massive stone pillar.  Great.  Pinsir, get ready for war--

Oh...so you're just gonna drop your Poke Ball and not say any--?

Shit! Mankey! Okay! Go, Pinsir!

Pinsir! He's coming for you! Pinch!

Damn...snuck right between the pinchers and slammed him to the ground.  Well, Pinsir...we're right by the edge.  Do you...do you wanna toss him?


Woah, good throw! I don't think we'll be seeing that little...

...did you hear a splash? Because I didn't hear a splash.  But if there wasn't a splash...shit, it's clinging to the the ledge, isn't it? Pinsir, dig down.  He's probably gonna jump back over the ledge and try to attack you, so lay in wait and strike when you feel him land.


...okay, he's not jumping over yet.  Keep waiting.  Harden.  Get ready.


...okay, still nothing.  I think he suspects something.  Focus your energy.  See if you can feel where the Mankey is clinging to the wall.  If you can feel it, burst out an hit that thing hard!


...okay, there's the splash.  Cool! Mankey's down.  Let's see what else he's got.

Looks like some kind of frog.  Alright, Pinsir, take five.  Nidorino, come on out!

The frog is charging! Dig down quick--!

Careful, Nidorino! It's in pursuit! It followed you down the hole!


...damn, I hate having to call a battle when I can't friggin' see it.

So...guy...do you...do you lift weights or--?


Phew! Okay, Nidorino! I don't know what the hell happened, but yeah! Froggie's down! Sweet! You look a little bruised there, so whoever comes out next, I'm gonna give you a rest--

Ah ha! One of these tree-toters again.  Okay, I've got a plan for this little sucker.  Gliscor, it's about time you got some battling action.  Go!

That thing's offensive strategies are based on that log.  Use Knock Off!

Yeah! Right in the rapids!

TIMBURR:   You...you son of a bitch.

GLISCOR:   I...what?


Why is he punching that stone column--ROCK THROW! LOOK OUT!

Don't take that from him! He doesn't even have a log anymore! Poison Sting!

He's gonna keep tossing rocks at you, and I don't want you whipping out your new move so close to Tyre.  Hit him with a Quick Attack before he's got the opportunity to knock you out and send him into the water,

POW! There you go! Good job, girl!

And an extra $750.  Thanks, friend...my Pokemon have gotten pretty strong, haven't they? But, umm...just a suggestion: you guys might want to reconsider the whole rushing-rapids-coursing-through-the-middle-of-the-gym thing.  It's, uh...it's exploitable.

Okay, bye!

Alright...climbed back up the left side, jumped across the middle, now all I have to do is walk up this final incline and face Tyre.  Okay...deep breath, Tom.  Deep breath--

TOM:  Oh...umm, excuse me...I just...have to...get by you--

APPRENTICE:   Where do you think you're going?

TOM:   I...up to Tyre? I beat you...right? We battled.  I won.  I get to go now.  That's...that is how it works, right?

APPRENTICE:   Oh, you beat my Pokemon, alright.  You didn't beat me.

TOM:   Didn't beat--didn't beat you?! Alright, that's it.  Everyone out!

TOM:   You wanna go, Butch? Let's do this...but let me warn you...

TOM:   We fight as one on Team Cedar, so if you wanna go...

TOM:   ...let's dance.

...why do I provoke dangerous things? Why?

Elekid: Thunder Wave! Gliscor: grab and kite him! Pidgeotto: Whirlwind to the water!

You're slowed...

...you're caught...

...you're up...

...and you're down.  How I roll, motherfucker.  You're lucky I didn't have to use my "I spent this morning hunting dragons" speech--

TYRE:   BWAHAHAHA! I knew I liked you for a reason! C'mon over here.  Let's do this thing.

So, this is Tyre's playground, huh? Surrounded by rapids on three sides and a wall on the other side.  This terrain might be a bit of a challenge after all--

Is that...Arturo? Walking down the other side of the gym--?

He's got a Terrain Badge?! Wait...was he in this gym at the same time I was? Oh god...did he see me fall in the river? I hope he didn't see me fall in the river--

TYRE:   How've you been finding the gym?

TOM:   Not gonna lie, your apprentices may like to fight a bit too much.

TYRE:   Wouldn't take on anyone else.

TOM:   Thought as much.

TYRE:   Your friend seemed a bit agitated.

TOM:   Yeah...his brother was on the S.S. Anne.  Yours, too, I'd imagine.

TYRE:   I'd go after them myself, but I need to protect this city.  I need to know that you guys can get the job done.

TOM:   Just one more thing on the plate, I suppose.

TYRE:   Yeah, life's funny, throwing all kinds of shit at you.  Can you handle it?

TOM:   I guess we're gonna find out--

TYRE:   Can.  You.  Handle.  It?!

TOM:   I don't know if we can...but we will.

TYRE:   That's the spirit.

Zero hour.  Here we go!

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