Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Debt Is Growing

Well, if Tyre is gonna protect his Terrain Badge by using his knowledge of the terrain to gain an unfair advantage, then I'm going to use my knowledge to even the playing field! Hell, I've worked as an electrical engineer for over a decade and I've jerry-rigged more contraptions than Tyre's probably ever seen in your average electronics store--

That's it! I'll head over to the Electro-Mart in Isis and pick up some tech! Tyre won't know what hit him! I know! I'll take the Silph Scope and connect it to my Pokedex's identifying interface and I might be able to see what his Pokemon are and what they're weakest against! Then, I can plan who to release and what attacks to use! Ah ha ha! Nobody said I couldn't use--

Wait...there probably are rules against this sort of thing.  This isn't going to be some back-alley battle; this is an official League-sanctioned gym battle.  There are bound to be countless regulations in place that could get me disqualified from ever earning another gym again.  Damn.

Oh, cardboard cut-out of an Electabuzz...what should I do? I need to find an edge to beat Tyre.  I mean, one of the biggest edges I have as a trainer is that my Elekid knows Ice Punch, and that's been a tremendous edge--

A secret attack...that could do it! If I send out a Pokemon that Tyre isn't expecting to whip out a Psychic-type or Flying-type attack, that could tip the scales just enough in my favor to secure the win.  But how am I going to teach my team new moves? It's not like there's--

...a CD store that sells TM's.  How long has that been there? I guess my eyes just darted directly to the electronics whenever I passed by.  Funny...well, let's see what they have to offer.

Excuse me, but I need to find Technical Machines for Psychic-type or Flying-type attacks to teach my Pokemon.  I need to gain an offensive edge against Fighting-type Pokemon--

Yes, this is for the gym in Kahu.  Get a lot of that kind of business, huh? Well, what do you have?

Hmm...I see...okay--wait, did you say Poison Jab? That might come in handy for Nidorino; getting an opponent poisoned could be really helpful.  How much for Poison Jab?

$10,000...okay, is that a reusable disc, or a vintage one-time disc?

Reusable.  Okay.  Let me take a look at your vintage section, please.  I'm a little strapped for cash.

Hmm...much smaller selection, but it is cheaper.  Reflect, Light Screen, Taunt...nothing very offensive.  Say, do you do rentals here? Like, I pay you to use one of the reusable discs once, then give it back to you?

No? Damn--a move tutor? I might be interested in his services.  How much does he charge?

Depends? Of course.  Say, is your boss here? Because if you guys are worried about moving inventory, you might want to reconsider the rental model I just made up as a way to stay stocked up but also open up for a vast new clientele base of poor, starting trainers.  Well, here's my phone number; give it to your boss and see if he wants to talk about renting.  Which way to the move tutor?

Southern edge of town along the trolley path? Thanks!

Alright! Progress being made! I can see what this tutor can offer and then--

Arturo? Hey! What are you doing here?

Checking out the move tutor?! Me too! We can go together! I tried checking out the TM shop, but it's way too pricey for me--say...what TM's do you have again?

Just the ones from the gyms and Cut, huh? You haven't purchased any new ones? I thought your family was loaded.

Low on funds? Okay...quick question:

Why are you on a solid gold bicycle if you don't have any money? Actually, don't answer that.  It might upset me--

Say, you know what we should do to help us out as we try to figure out what's going on around this region? We should open up a communal PC box and throw all of our TM's in there and keep our Pokemon as versatile as possible.  I'll try to set that up tonight--oh, here's the TM for Return.  You might want to teach Ignacio that...could help. this the place? It seems like a residence.  The door's closed, there's no sign...should we knock? I'm gonna check it out.

Hello? Is this the move tutor's place?

Ah! Hello! Yes, the three of us would like to--three?


What TM's do you have? I'm thinking of opening up a PC box.  I'll let you know when it opens.

Well, sir, we want to expand the capabilities of our Pokemon.  We were told you could help--budget? Uh, for me, it's about $3600, but that's essentially the limit of my funds.

Yes, I know that's not much, but what can you do with that?

Bounce? That's a Flying-type move, right? I think Chinchou can learn that! That would be an interesting secret weapon: a Water/Electric-type with a Flying-type attack.  What are your other Flying-type attacks?

Sky Attack? That sounds impressive...but for $8000, that's double what I could afford...

...say, Arturo, when you said you had no much exactly do you not have? I need an extra $4405 to teach one of my Pokemon a move.  I don't want to cause you any problems with your dad's business account or anything, but if you could lend me some cash after you've dealt with your purchase, I'd really appreciate it.

Anubis is going to learn Zen Headbutt? That's gonna be nice.  Say, I wonder how much Ice Punch costs--$10,000! Damn, how did Elekid learn that move?! Lucky guy...

You'll lend me the money?! Arturo, you're the best! Don't worry, I'll pay you back real soon! I promise! Sir! Could you teach my Gliscor to learn Sky Attack?

It will take a few hours? Okay, I guess I can leave her here with you for a while.

Arturo! Here, I want you to take my Ice Gem, Grass Gem, and Hard Stone as an initial repayment, in case it takes a while to earn back your money.  I mean, I also have one Poke Ball left.  I caught Kevin's Joltik for him...would you like me to keep an eye out for a Pokemon so that when I see it, I can get it for you?

A Fire-type...okay.  Anything in particular?

A Darumaka? Shit, I think I saw one of those up on the Global Trade Terminal! Sure, it was a few days ago, but I think it could still be up there! Let's head to a PC, find out what they want for it, and if we know where to find what they want, I'll catch it.

You were in a tournament, Arturo? And you won a free trip to the Dream World? Hey, we might be able to find whatever they're looking for--


Yes, I've had some bed-rest recently and no, it wasn't a hellscape.  Still...I just need to inform people of the dangers.

You gave away your ticket, Kevin? You have done a wise thing--


Here we go! Isis Pokemon Center!

Let's see what they want...

Wait, it's not on here.  All they're offering is a Pansear, a Ponyta, and a Magby.  Well...maybe someone else is offering something that might be a little--

What's this? "Wonder Trade"? Trading random Pokemon via the a mystery exchange.  Hey, we might be able to get you a Fire-type on the Wonder Trade! Let's run out, grab the first wild Pokemon we can find, then we'll put them up for trade; if you like what I get, we can trade them and we'll call the debt even.  Agreed?

Alright, let's go! Pokemon...Pokemon...where the hell are all the Pokemon?! Literally anything will do--



Alright, two Pokemon! A Rattata and...a garbage bag with a face? Nidorino, go after the rat! I have a score to settle; one of these things bit me right in the face my first day in Cythos and I need closure.

He's running away! Quick, use Poison Sting!

Alight, he's weak! Poke Ball, go!

Hit! Now, stay in there! Wiggle...wiggle...

--Break?! Oh come on! That was my last ball!

...Arturo, if you toss me a Poke Ball, you can have both of whatever we get on the Wonder Trade.  Deal?

Thank you.  I have to stop asking you for things.  Let's try this again.  Poke Ball, go!

Wiggle...wiggle...wiggle...caught! Bang! Back to the PC!

Kevin, get off the computer! My debt is growing as we speak! Arturo, you go first; I should heal the rat and make sure he's healthy for the trip.  Let's see what you get...

A Dive Ball? Interesting.  That means you'll probably have a Water-type in there.  What is it?

A Relicanth? You seem really excited about that.  Is it really good?

An ancient Water/Rock-type! That's right up your alley! Okay, let's see what I get for my Rattata!

Hmm...another standard Poke Ball? This could be anything.  Let's see--


Did I hit send? Is this the same Rattata? Did--nope...different Rattata.  Awesome.  Get back in the internet.

Okay...a Nest Ball? That's usually reserved for much younger and inexperienced Pokemon.  But hey, that just means more time to grow and bond.  Come on out...and please don't be a Rattata...

Hey, a Sandshrew! I know these guys! They used to follow us on the way back from the Power Plant every evening--look! His OT information says he was caught in Cerulean City! He's like a piece of home!

...well, he's yours, Arturo.  That was the deal, right? He'd be pretty helpful on any digs you were--

It'd be criminal to take it away from me? Arturo, I can't accept this; you've already done so much for me already in the passed hour.  I can't...fine.  We'll add a Poke Ball to the debt.

Welcome to the team, little fella--d'aww, you're a cute one, aren't ya? Yes you are! Yes you are--!

A text just came in...for you, too, Arturo?

<<Everyone, we need to get bikes and get across this desert. 
I think things are beginning to speed up. Facing the Kahu gym now, 
meet me at the Kahu Pokemon Center at 12am so we can fix this asap. - Jess>>

<<Arturo and I are Isisbound. Make it noon and get some sleep.
Josh, Lindsay, and Erik if you are close I have deposited an extra bike 
in the community box so ppl can get around better. 
However, later I will need it back (I'll inform you when). 
Also Tom & Jess, you two were the last known of us headed to the Kahu gym...
good luck, and stay away from the house on the bottom of the hill 

unless you feel squirrely. - Kevin>>

Wait, did Kevin leave with Arturo while I was bonding with my Sandshrew--goddamn it.

<<I'd prefer noon. They said bats come out at night in the desert. 
I want nothing to do with that. Bats almost killed Arturo when we first got here. 
Also, what is in that house and should I bring my Pachirisu? - Tom>>

<<Bring whatever you think you need to succeed. - Kevin>>

Well, that's just foreboding as hell.  Great.  I suppose I should put this little guy in the PC and go train for the gym.  It's getting dark and I don't feel like getting jumped again, so I better bring my Bagon to scare them off.  Maybe I should walk over to the Chloris side of town to find easier trainers to fight my weaker Pokemon--

<<Noon...yeah. - Jess>>

Woah...what the hell happened? Jess doesn't usually change her mind so easily and she sure doesn't talk like that.  Did...did something happen at the gym? Yeah, definitely looking for easier trainer to fight.

<<Tomorrow at noon. I'll be there. If I'm late call me, hopefully I'll be getting service. - Erik>>

Memo to self: do not forget Erik.  Sure, he can be a bit...misguided, but hey, I probably wouldn't have gotten my Sandshrew if he hadn't driven me into a fury--

Did he mean to do that? Did he manipulate my--?

Tom, stop.  Don't think like this.  Bad things.

Here we are...the plaza right by the Electro-Mart.  It borders a park; I'm sure there's bound to be trainers in there.  Let me just see if I can, get a good vantage point...ah ha, the fountain! Let me just step up here...

Hey! Anyone want to battle?! at a time, please?

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