Friday, March 8, 2013

Why Is It Cursing?

That was intense! I better head back to the Pokemon Center and heal everybody up.

You know, I think it's about time to pull Pinsir out of the PC and let her stretch her legs.

How're you doing, girl? You have a good rest in...digitally-induced suspended animation? Good...?

Snorlax, I've asked a lot from you lately, and you've been doing very well, but since you were the first of my Pokemon to evolve, I think it's your turn to go into the computer while I help out the others grow stronger.  Don't worry, I'll come get you out soon enough.

I wonder if there's any more action over at the gym.

Hey Jess, hey Arturo.  Anything good going on--?

Kevin's battling Tara? Aww, darn! I missed it! But hey, it's great that he won.  Well, that's all of us, really? I don't think there's anybody else I'd want to see take on the gym, so I guess I'll take care of some other business.  Now that I've got money, I think it's time to buy some needed equipment.

Alright, with the Poke Ball that Erik gave me and the five I just bought, I've got enough here to make a whole new team if I catch well.  Awesome.

Ooh, a Trainer Card.  I know Nurse Joy said that I could use this as an identification card, as well as a means to automatically send newly-caught Pokemon to the PC, so I think this is a definite necessity.  Too bad they don't have Xtranceivers...or a catalogue of any kind to indicate what kind of items are necessary for Pokemon to evolves or make Pokemon stronger in battle.  Sigh.

Alright, let's set this thing up with my account.

Oh, hey Arturo.  Say, uh...I don't want to distract you from checking out those weird stone plates--congrats on the badge, by the way--but I was wondering if you could identify this fang that Jamarcus gave me? I thought it was a Razor Fang, but apparently not.

A Salamance tooth--oh, son of a bitch! I told him I had a friend who picked one up and I was looking for something similar, but not the same exact thing--!

Wait a, Kevin's tooth didn't look like this.  Arturo, do you remember what Kevin's fang looked like? It didn't look like this one, and he thought it was a Salamance tooth...but if this is a Salamance tooth, what does he have? Could...could he have a Razor Fan? I should send him an email, since apparently his phone isn't working.

What? Oh, yeah...the Low Sweep TM.  Yeah, you can borrow it.  I have to teach some of my Pokemon Dig anyway.    While that's going on, I suppose I could look at that Silph Scope we found.

Hmm...there seems to be a bunch of problems with this thing.  The wires are frayed, the power source was dislodged...basically, this thing needs a complete overhaul, and since there doesn't seem to be an electronics store here in Chloris, we're gonna have to hold off on repairs until we hit Isis.

Oh, hey Jess, hey Kevin--

KEVIN! Kevin, we need to talk about teeth--!

Erik, I will deal with your Pokedex, okay? Just, let me handle this first.

Kevin, do you remember that fang with your Dratini? You thought it was a Dragon Fang, but Arturo seems to believe that this is actually a Dragon Fang.  Do you think I can take a look at your tooth? It may be exactly what I need to evolve my Gligar.

Hey there, Nightsun! See the pretty tooth? See it? You like it? I'll let you have it if I can see yours.

This...this is it! That's a Razor Fang! KEVIN! I WILL TRADE YOU YOUR TOOTH FOR MY TOOTH!

You'll do it?!? YES! THANK YOU! I'll be right back!

Gligar, come on out!

See this, girl? See it? Catch! That's the tooth that will help you evolve, and when we reach Mastam City, we're gonna need as much power as you can get.

Now, let's look at this friggin' Pokedex.

Yeah, it's not that complicated, but what does he want me to do to streamline it? Well...let me think:

Okay, so the Pokedex can display color images of Pokemon, meaning that there has to be a color palette somewhere...and if this thing's memory should be able to identify the percentage of each color in each Pokemon's digital image, then I should be able to create a browse algorithm that allows the user to search for Pokemon by it's dominant color.  And...there! Okay, I think this will work.  There seems to be a redundant program in here tied to the speech function, but I'm not prepared to delete that until I figure out what it actually does.

Here, Erik...enjoy.  You can identify Pokemon by color now.  Yeah, go ahead and test it out.'s...why is the A.I....why is it cursing? Try it again.

Nope...that's...that's definitely a much more hostile A.I.  I don't understand; I didn't touch the speech function.  Maybe there's a routing issue.  I mean, the thing looked like it was programmed by 500 different people who just never spoke to each other, so it's possible that they had some firewalls in place to block out certain...inhospitable A.I., I might have liberated one of them when I created the new browser.

Well...I gotta go.  See ya!

You know, now that I have enough Poke Balls, I might catch those two Bug Pokemon that Jess didn't want.  I mean, who knows? If one produces poison, that must mean it's a Poison-type, and I'd rather deal with it before it has the potential to kill me.  Oh, and maybe I'll head back to the Earthen Cavern and catch me that Onix I ran into before--!

Yeah, Kevin? What's up?

Well, I mean, if Erik can restore the Pokedex to its old settings through a factory reset, that's not so bad then.  But hey, ultimately, that's up to him.  He wanted me to test out the streamlining on his Pokedex before I tried it on my own, so he kinda knew what he was getting into--

I, uh, I have a few things to take care of before I head over to Isis.  Namely, there are a few Pokemon that I would like to add to my roster before I take on the next gym, so I'm gonna be heading all over the place.

A Joltik? I haven't seen one, and I don't think I'd know one if I saw it if I didn't have my Pokedex, so--

You want me to catch one for you if I find one? With this ball...with a severed Beedrill head engraved on it? Uhh...sure, I could try.

No, there aren't any Pokemon that I'd want you to catch for me, just because I don't know what I want to catch yet.  If you're headed to Isis, though, could you do me a favor and check out what kind of wild Pokemon are around there, take a picture or something of them, and when we meet back up, just tell me what I can find? Thanks.  I'll see you around.

Now...where did I leave those bugs?

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