Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Oh, That's Right...The Head-Wound

No, Jess...I'm not sure I'm okay, but I gotta get to a nurse before I develop brain damage.  By the way, you've been saying "lap-wrist" a lot.  What the hell are you talking about?

Lapras? What's a Lapras?

Oh! Oh, that was a Lapras! Gotcha...

Oh, hey there, officer! Remember me? I told you a Pokemon punched me in the head last night, but it turns out it was a man and his Voltorb blew up a daycare now a mob's broken loose--

Jess, you may want to explain this part.

Yes! Good idea! Close the bridge down! Don't let them into Chloris! There was a Gyarados over there and he hates buildings, so you better make sure you don't let it do things here.  Yeah!

I think you're right, Jess.  We should help the people in Isis...but first, I gotta heal this Lapras!

This...this is not Lapras.  Where is Lapras--?

Transported to the PC.  Right.

Here! You can use my phone to call Tara while I heal up.  Nurse Joy!

I done got my head hit again--

Oh shit! That's right! You gotta heal my Lapras!

This...this is not Lapras--

PC.  Right.

Okay, yeah, maybe addressing the head-wound is more pertinent at this time.

Hello, head-wound...

So, Tara's on the way? Great.  I'm just gonna lay down for bit--

Concussion? Okay, so I guess no laying down then? Okay, that's fine.  I'll just lay down for a bit--

Tara! Hey! Hi! Umm, Jess, you go tell her what happened.  I'm just gonna lay--

Right! Sorry, Joy.

What? Lindsay's over in Chloris with Arturo and Kevin? They might be in a lot of trouble--

Wait, how do you know Lindsay, Tara?

Oh...oh, she won?! Yay! Good for her! My head hurts...

So, let me see if I follow what's going on here: Prodiga, the Isis Gym leader, is a relatively new gym leader with un-evolved Dragon-type Pokemon, but although she managed to beat you, Tara, she can't get control over the crowds? There is something weird going on here.  First, gym leaders and champions start fighting each other and sinking a cruise ship, then trained Pokemon start behaving like wild Pokemon, and now the people of Isis have turned into a mob.  Whole world is going to hell, I'll tell you what--

A powerful Psychic-type Pokemon? Seems a little farfetched, wouldn't you say? Still, it's a possibility, I guess.

Well, if you guys wanted to head over and help out in Isis, I could stay behind and hold the line here in Chloris.  Granted, I'm feeling a lot better now that I've been seen by medical professionals, but if you think I might be a liability, I'd understand.

True...you could use all the help you could get.  I better heal everyone up and get out the big guns.

Slakoth...Chinchou...you are both great troopers, but we need to be imposing to a mob of angry people and you guys are just too cute.  Don't you worry, though...I'll make sure to train you guys real hard once all this dies down.

This team ought to do the trick.  Just to be safe, I better research what a Lapras can actually do before trying to use one in battle.

I guess if we're ready to go, we better head over there as soon as possible...

...Isis doesn't look like it can last much longer.

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