Thursday, April 4, 2013

Go Away

(POV: Chinchou)

Oh, goodness! There is so much blood here! That Pokemon must be very badly injured!

It doesn't appear very friendly, but perhaps that's just because it is in a great deal of pain.  I must reach out to it!

CHINCHOU:   Greetings, fellow sea-dweller!

LAPRAS:   Go away.

CHINCHOU:   But you are injured!

LAPRAS:   I'll be fine.

CHINCHOU:   It's not safe with all this blood in the water! Blood attracts terrible creatures, like Carvanha, or worse--

LAPRAS:   And how is this any of your concern?

CHINCHOU:   The nice man on the shore is concerned and he wants to help you--

LAPRAS:   I don't need his help!

CHINCHOU:   Why can't you just accept someone trying to help you?!

LAPRAS:   Why are you so sure that I need it?

CHINCHOU:   Pidgey, you don't look so good--

PIDGEY:   My head fuckin' hurts.

CHINCHOU:   What's wrong?

PIDGEY:   I don't know! But it fuckin' hurts!

LAPRAS:   Would you mind GETTING OFF MY BACK!!!

PIDGEY:   I'm not that heavy! And my head hurts! Fuck off!


LAPRAS:   You have exactly ten seconds to leave before I become very unfriendly...

CHINCHOU:   ...this was you friendly?

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